Chapter 19

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**3 months later**


I can't believe it's been 3 months since I got him pregnant and today we're going to find out the gender of the babies today and I'm excited to find out, o and I still can't believe we're having twins, but anyway we're in the waiting room  and waiting to be called to see the doctor so we can know about the babies.

Just then the nurse calls Ashfur to see the doctor, so we get up and follow the nurse to another room and she says. 

"Ok, just wait in this room and the doctor will be here shortly," the nurse says and then leaves.

"I can't wait to know about babies genders is so me and Ruby can start decorating their rooms," Ashfur says excitedly, I chuckle.

"I know I can't wait either," I said looking at him with a smile, just then the doctor comes in.

"Hello, it's good to see you too again, so shall we get started?" Jayfeather asks.

"Yes please," Ashfur says.

"Alright here we go," Jayfeather says, he gets the stuff and puts the gel on Ashfur's pregnant belly and puts the wand on there and moves it around and says "Well it looks like your having boys congrats"

"We're having boys Scourge I can't believe it," Ashfur says with excitement.

"I know me too, we're going to be having boys and they're going to be a hand full"

"Why do you say that?" Ashfur asks.

"I say that because I gave Jake a hand full to handle when I was young," I said, he nods and Jayfeather says.

"Ok, they look good, just 3 months and they will be born," Jayfeather says.

"Wait what do you mean 3 months, shouldn't it be longer?" Ashfur ask I look at the doctor confused.

"Well you see females take 9 months but a male-only takes 6 months, that's why I said that," Jayfeather says, we nod.

After we were all done we headed home to tell the news about the babies, when we get into the house they all come to the door to ask about the babies.

"So boys or girls?" they all ask at once.

"WE'RE HAVING BOYS" Ashfur yells with excitement.

After that was over Ashfur and Ruby started thinking of a design for the boy's rooms.


It has been 2 weeks since the doctor visit and Ruby and I had finished the rooms for my boys, I can't wait to meet them, just the doorbell rings and I go to the front door to answer it and when I open the door I see a woman I have never seen before.

"Can I help you, mam?" I ask.

"Yes you can, I'm here to see Jake and my kids," the lady says.

"Um, who are you, mam?" I ask.

"Just get me Jake young man before I get mad and just walk in, and by the way, you may want to lay off few pounds,"  she says with a little mean laugh, I don't show it but my feelings start getting hurt.


"excuse me," the lady says then slaps me hard, I start to cry and put my hand on my face where she hit me "serves you right"

"SCOURGE" I yell while crying, just then they show up and I turn around and they see me crying and the mark on my face and they gasp and get mad but Scourge gets pissed, I go to him as fast as I can in my pregnant state and barry my face into his chest and cry and he holds me with his arms wrapped around me.

SC X ASH ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن