Chapter 22

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It's been 2 weeks since Ashfur has given birth to his boys and it's still hard for him to leave his boys while he's at school. But right now everybody is at school and Ashfur is not paying attention in class right now.

"Ashfur" no response so the teacher goes to him and drops a book in front of him and that makes him snap out of his thoughts and looks at the teacher "thank you for returning to earth," the teacher says.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again," Ashfur says.

"That's right it won't, because your staying after class when the bell rings, so we can talk" the teacher says then walks away and Ashfur sighs and goes back to work, once the bell rings Ashfur stays and once everybody leaves the teacher shuts and locks the door so no one walks in and then walks to Ashfur and talks "Ashfur I know your a good student, so why aren't you paying attention in class anymore?" the teacher asks. 

"I guess you heard what happened in the cafeteria right?" the teacher nods "well what you heard was true, I was pregnant and I was ready to give birth to my babies and it's been 2 weeks since that day and I can't help but worry about my babies when I'm not with them"

"So that's it, Ashfur I understand how you feel I was the same way when I had my baby, so I want you to pay more attention in class, ok," the teacher says.

"I will try," Ashfur says.

"Thank you, that's all I can ask," the teacher says.

After that the teacher let him go and he leaves to go find Scourge and head home. When Ashfur sees him he hugs Scourge and then they got into the car and head home. When they get home Ashfur rushes out of the car an run into the house, Scourge laughs at Ashfur from the way he's acting and gets out of the car and goes into the house.


As I get into the house I go find my babies an when I find them I see Ferncloud playing with them on the floor and she looks at me and says "you missed your babies again didn't you?" I nod as I sit on the floor with her and take Blackfur into my arms.

"Yes I did and I know it's been 2 weeks but I still don't like being away from them," I said looking at Blackfur and she nods that she understands and then Scourge comes in and then Scourge comes in and takes Graypaw into his arms.

"There's my boy" Scourge says tickling his belly and that makes Graypaw giggle while moving his arms and legs and we all laugh on how cute that is.

"O I got you too something for your babies, I'll be right back," Ferncloud says and leaves and Scourge sits down next to me and we just stare at our cute baby boys, then she comes back and hands us a bag "I hope you like it"

We open them and we see baby blankets and they each have their names on it.

"Awww, this is cute, thank you," I ask.

"Yeah, thanks for the blankets there cute" Scourge says.

"I'm glad you like them," Ferncloud says.

Just then the doorbell rings and then we hear telling.

"MOM" Socks yells, we then look at each other.

"Ashfur stay here and you as well," Scourge says to me and Ferncloud and gets up and hands Graypaw to her and shuts the door and leaves.


As I leave them I go to find out what's going on and then I hear a gunshot and so I run and see Jake has been shot in the arm and he screams in pain.

"Dad who did-" I get cut off.

"Hello, Tiny" I turn my head "good to see you again," Quince says holding a gun in her hands.

"What do you want and why did you do this?" I ask getting mad.

"Easy, I'm here to kill you all and take this place as mine, but I have to kill you all, but first where's that fat guy he's first," Quince says making the gun click and I get pissed.

"I won't let you hurt him," I say in a protective way in my voice while getting up and facing her, she then starts to shoot at me but I dodge her shots.

"SCOURGE" Ashfur yells in worry, I gasp and see him.

"There you are, I was going to look for you but you came to me, so bonus for me," Quince says and gets ready to fire at him. 

"ASHFUR RUN" I yell and he starts to run, I start to run to her stop her but I was too late, she fires her gun as I tackle her down and the gunshot hit him and he falls to the ground "ASHFUR NO, SOMEONE GO TO HIM" I yell and Socks and Tigerstar rushes to him "RUBY CALL FOR HELP NOW AND YOU IF HE DIES i'LL KILL YOU" I yell at her as I choke her, she laughs while being choked.

"I told wouldn't..........last long" Quince say being choked.

"Scourge their on there way and I told them to bring an ambulance," Ruby says.

"How is he?" I ask with worry while still holding her down.

"It's not good Scourge, he's losing a lot of blood and he's coughing up blood too," Tigerstar says getting scared.

"Is there pressure  on the wound?" I ask getting scared but don't show it in front of her.

"Yes there is, but it's not working he's loosing to much blood, hey hey hey hey don't close your eyes Ashfur, come on dude stay awake" Socks says trying to keep him awake.

"Come on Ashy don't die on us or me, I can't lose you, so please hold on," I said as tears start to show up.

Just then the police show up and arrest her for trying to kill us and ambulance comes and takes Ashfur and Jake to the hospital an I go with them but not before I say.

"Look after my boys and tell Ferncloud what happened so she will know," I said, they nod.

When we get there they take Ashfur to the operating room and Jake as well. I wait for hours and then Jake comes out with his arm in a cast.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine, my arm hurts but I'm fine and anything about Ashfur?" Jake asks. I shake my head 'no' "I'm sure he's ok"

"I hope so, I can't live without him, please don't die Ashfur" I then do something that I didn't believe in "please StarClan don't take him from me," I said getting upset in a sad way.

We stay in the waiting room for even more hours, I called one of them to take Jake home while I stayed there, around 3 in the morning a nurse wakes me up, I groan an open my eyes then it hit me "is Ashfur ok?" I ask worriedly.

"They did everything they could to him and now it's up to him to see if he lives or dies," the nurse says.

"Can I see him?" she nods and I follow her to Ashfur room is, when we get there I see him, I go to him and the nurse leaves. I grab a chair and move it closer to his bed "Ashfur I'm here, so please don't die on me, I can't live without you so please don't leave me" I said while crying. I end up falling asleep while holding his hand and my head on his bed.

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