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  The lights were off but I could hear everything playing out. The moans and shuffling of the blankets were pretty obvious on what was going on. I sat on the couch in front of the bed, there were two other couches beside me. I was in the Winston Hotel and Casino, the hottest spot in New York City.  The Hotel was separated from New York and placed on the outskirts in the ocean. Only the riches of the rich could come here and just for that Winston made it worth any ones wild.

   I sighed out loud, "Are you guys almost done yet?" Someone clapped twice and the lights flicked on. Calvin and one of his whores stared at me in astonishment as they laid in the king size bed. I crossed my legs and folded my arms.  

      "What the hell are you doing here, Liz?!" Calvin said, I smiled. I knew Calvin all too well, he was fat with a thick beard. His lips were as dark as his eyes from the drugs he did and sold, when will he learn. I stared at the woman in bed with him, she had long black hair and black eyes. She was holding on to her red dress that was coming off, Calvin always had multiple women. 

      "Who's the tramp?" I smirked. 

   She giggled placing her hand over her mouth, "I'm Calvin's wife." She stuck at her hand, there was a huge diamond ring on on it. I turned to Calvin who was avoiding my eyes, 

      "I need to talk you, business affairs." He nodded then whispered something in the woman's ear. She giggled once more and got out of the bed. Calvin wasn't attractive and the only reason he got women was because he had money. She grabbed her heels next to the bed, held her dress and went to the door behind me. As she open the door noises from the Casino down stair rushed in and silenced when she shut the door. 

     I stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, there was a gigantic glass window on the side of the left side of the room. The Statue of Liberty was in prefect sight, it was dark out but the lights of New York didn't care what time it was, it was always lit. 

      "You can't just be coming anytime you want, Liz." Calvin said as he got out of bed. "I am a man and a man needs pleasure to be healthy." He preached as he threw his shirt back on. I walked to the window, it might as well been an wall, it stretched throught out the whole room.I looked down, water splashed on the side of the Winston Hotel. "You got that Liz? Liz? Liz, are you listening?!" He yelled.

     I rolled my eyes, "Look you old fart, I came here on a mission!" I turned to him. "If you didn't have so many guards around all the time I wouldn't interrupt your little whores!" 

      "Who do you think your lecturing?! Your only 17! I'm 154!" He screamed. Of course he was right but I wasn't backing down. I crossed my arms like a stubborn teenager, I gave him a look. I was part of the Underground Unit, an organization that keeps the magical world at bay. Calvin was a warlock getting mixed up in human drug dealing, its my job to fix that, again.

     I sighed, "Look Cal, I have a message from the higher up. Now I'm sorry for messing with your females but I'm on the job and I have school tomorrow." I was a junior at the coed Christian Ministry.  The school that preached the name of the lord and taught teens to be civilized, it was a load of crap to me. 

     He rolled his eyes and sat on the bed. "Fine, what is it now?" I walked to the bed and sat with him. 

       "I'm looking for someone." I pushed my strawberry red hair behind my ear. 

        "Let me guess, Vincent Blaze." He went to the dresser on the side of the bed. As he shuffled through the dresser I watched my reflection on the glass window. I was wearing  a green tank top with my black leather jeans. Around my waist were two pistol and a  row of knives, my firey redhair reached down my back. 

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