Chapter One

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(Five Years Later)


Ella reluctantly peeled herself away from watching her son play with his blocks, leaving the living room to answer the telephone on the end table in the hallway to stop it from ringing.


"Ella, it's Renee," her older sister said. "I wanted to talk to you about mom."

"What about mom?"

Ella held the cordless receiver in her hand, leaning against the side of the wall as she continued to watch her son. But her mind might as well be on the other side of the country as she listened to her sister explain how their mother had retired a few months ago and was having trouble affording all of her bills. Apparently their mother refused to move in with her sister's family.

"I was wondering if you could, maybe, consider moving back home to help mom."

"I don't know, Renee," Ella said. "I'm busy with this one project that has all of my attention, and then there's other things that crop up."

"Can't you finish it while here?"

"I could," Ella said, biting her bottom lip.

She couldn't think straight. Thoughts swirled around in Ella's mind as she continued to watch the four-year-old that looked so much like his father that she could feel her eyes watering at the prospect of her secret being revealed. Jack would surely find out within a week of her returning back to St. Augustine. She imagined he would be livid at her keeping this from him, even if she had only not told him so that he had no responsibility. It had been a mistake.

Never before had Ella fancied herself a mom, but that was exactly what she was now. More than that, she loved motherhood more than her job. Ella had never before faced any situation that had took priority over her work until she had given birth to her son. Christopher was the best thing to happen to her. He was a gift.

"How soon can you get here?"

Ella walked over to where her son sat on the carpet and crouched down to his level, gently ruffling the sandy blond curls that contrasted with her brown hair.

"I can be there within the week," Ella said, without hesitation. "I'll get back to you once I've purchased my flight ticket."

She had very nearly said tickets, but had caught herself.

"All right, then," Renee said. "I'll let you go. Call me soon, though. Looking forward to seeing you, little sister."

"You, too."

Ella hung up, placing the receiver on the carpet beside her, and smiled at her son. "Looks like you're going to get to meet the family." She felt her stomach tighten as she spoke those words, but not necessarily in worry. No, it was more than likely anticipation. She was finally going to relieve herself from the burden of keeping her son a secret from her family.

Even though she still worried over Jack's reaction, she wasn't about to let that stop her from moving back home to help her mother when her mom needed help from her.

Ella spent the next couple of days packing and looking up flights. She managed to find a direct flight to Jacksonville that was a week away. After calling her sister to inform her of when she would arrive, Ella continued packing. She could tell that Christopher was confused as he watched her instead of playing. He didn't quite understand the stress she felt, nor what was happening. If only she could be as carefree. Instead she had to focus on all the details that came with uprooting your life in a matter of days.

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