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It was snowing.

I loved snow and I wanted to go out and play in it, but instead, I took out a cigarette out of the packet in the pocket of my winter coat and lit it with a lighter on the table.

There were quite a few of us here, our kind. This place was kind of like a foster care but just for us.

You could say they would look after us until we got adopted, but nobody wanted us so it was not like that. Not at all.

It was a good place nevertheless.

I sat on the picnic table that was seated in the garden with some other kids my age, watching the little ones play in the snow.

"Elirot, you know we don't allow smoking near the kids!" Miss Dakota gave me a pointed look.

I quickly apologised and went to the smoking area. There was Finley, perched on the wall, smoking a cigarette as well.

When he saw me he smiled, "How you feeling?"

I grumbled back a reply as I did the same as him, perching on the wall.

"I'm feeling like leaving for a bit. You in?" He asked me, except he already knew the answer.

"Who's coming?" I asked back as I dropped the leftovers of the cigarette and stepped on them.

"Just you and me brudda."

"Never say that ever again." I told him and he smirked.

Finley was like my best friend here. He and I were very similar in our past: left on a bench near this place because our parents couldn't live with the thought of having such a monstrous child. Funny for them, I remembered exactly who they were.

Finley always backed me up in anything I did or said, and so I did the same with him. Our bond was pretty strong, one of a kind you could say. We just understood one another on a different level. It was never too hard with us.

Just like in that moment. We went back into the garden and then through the doors that lead to the spacious living room, and once we walked through there and then the long hallway that lead to many rooms, at the end, there was a staircase. Upon getting onto the second floor, there were also many rooms, except these housed us, the kids.

It was convenient for all the bedrooms to be on the next two floors as the staircase was very easy to remove in case of a checkup. The bedrooms themselves were the invisible rooms, but only when they were requested to be.  Once they would become the invisible rooms, all sound that was made in those rooms would not be carried anywhere else, ensuring no suspicion from uninvited people.

For us, the older kids, the rooms were for one person only. This made sense as we were growing and it was a little bit strange for two developing people to live in the same room.

We didn't go to our rooms, no, we went straight through to the entrance door, where Mrs Shakra sat in a comfortable chair. She glanced at us, shook her head and then gave us a key.

"Be careful, you know we can't stop you from leaving but you're the ones risking your lives." She said this every time we left. It meant that if anything ever happened to us out there unless we came back here, they couldn't help us. Helping us out there meant putting everyone in here at risk.

We both nodded and thanked her. Unlocking the door, we stepped out of our home and into the big wild world.

Due to our pretty great stamina, we managed to run into the town that was about forty minutes away from our country house.

Our winter coat hoods had to go up instantly to cover up our face as it was the only uncovered thing on our bodies that could give us away.

The roads were pretty deserted at this time of day, luckily for us.

The town clock chimed thirteen times, signalling one o'clock. This meant lunch was approaching.

We'd have to leave soon.

I stopped in the middle of a road and looked up at the sky. Snowflakes were covering me completely and I was loving it.

"Isn't it pretty?" I asked Finley, who had sat on the curb whilst waiting for me to start moving again.

He replied with a yes as I looked back down at him to see him pull his hood down.

"What are you doing? Pull tha-"

"Hey! What do you think you're doing you freaks?" The sound of a voice came from behind me.

Instantly, Finley had his hood up, he was no longer sitting, and I took a deep breath. I readied myself for what was coming as I turned around.

The man stared at me in shock, most likely seeing someone like me for the first time, as I approached him in a slow and steady pace. He was unable to move, thanks to Finley stopping his movements.

The man seemed in shock, only his eyeballs moving, as I stared him down with my own and slowly releasing my breath onto his face.

This made his eyes roll back so far that only white was seen as his brain erased any intercourse with us on my command. I waited until his eyes rolled back to their normal place until I and Finley took our chance to run whilst his eyesight was blurred.

My breathing was short and ragged but we kept running until we reached the outskirts of the town. I had to stop in order to breathe.

That was one of the hardest things I had done in my life. Ever.

"Holding that man without actually holding him was so cool but so difficult!" Finley exclaimed as I caught my breath and we started walking.

"I actually doubted that my erase would work." I replied to him.

"Oh dude, that was so cool. So scary though." He said as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

There was not one word that I didn't agree with in that sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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