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V : hey girls look little miss loser decided to come back this year
? : ha pathetic

They all kick her and walk away.

? : are you okay
S : I don't know I think I broke a rib
? : here let me help you to the nurse

She opens her eyes to see a boy with black and teal eyes

S : oh hi I don't believe we have met
? : oh I'm gene

Another guy walks over and pulls star away from him. She looks up to see Zane

Z : get away from star gene you aren't taunting her with you evil
G : she was hurt I was gonna take her to the nurse
Z : yeah right come on star
S : okay Zane

Zane takes star away but she sneaks several glances at gene. She thinks to herself

S : he's kinda cute

Zane walks into the nurses office with her.

N : oh my
S : my stomach hurts

The nurse lifts up he T-shirt to see several bruises

N : dear I'm gonna call your parents you need to go to the hospital
S : no I need to be here for the rest of the day
N : dear you might have a broken rib
S : I can do till the end of the day
N : okay but if you have any more problems you should go to the hospital
S : I will after school
N : okay dear get to class
S : yes ma'am

On the way to her class she runs into one of her bullies Laurence

S : laurence
L : oh star I've missed you

He pushes her to the locker and punches her several times

L : it feels good to see you in pain again
S : just leave me alone
L : how about no

He continues to beat her up. He shoves her to the locker and they hear a crunch. Laurence wis thrown across the hall

Ge : dude what the hell is wrong with you
L : she deserved it
Ge : zenix Sasha get him to the principal
Ze : yes sir

They drag Laurence away and gene picks star up

S : wait I'm okay
Ge : star you bleeding a lot and your shoulder is dislocated your not okay and you probably have a few broken ribs
S : what are you gonna do
Ge : I'm gonna take you to the hospital

Gene carries star to a black mustang and sets her in the back seat

S : ow
Ge : hey careful

Gene drives off and a few minutes later they arrive at a hospital. Gene walks inside and returns with a nurse and wheel chair

N : my honey what happened
S : it's a long story
N : well come on we are gonna get you fixed up
S : okay

A few hours later

Gene finds stars phone laying in his car. There are several messages and missed calls from Aaron aphmau her parents and Zane

Ge : jeez I should call him

Gene dials Aaron's number and he picks up on the first ring

Aa : irene star are you okay
Ge : star is not okay
Aa : who is this
Ge : it's gene
Aa : where's my sister!
Ge : we are at the hospital Laurence beat her up pretty bad
Aa : what!
Ge : just get here I'll explain everything
Aa : if you hurt my sister your dead

Stars pov

D : okay so you have two broken ribs a dislocated shoulder and a broken wrist
S : worse then I thought
D : what happened
S : I got beat up by a bully at school
D : of this is what a school bully did to you I suggest informing the school and calling the police
S : I don't know

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