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Star looks up and their eyes meet. She looks deep into his red eyes and relaxes into his chest

S : mm nice and warm
Ze : I'm glad your comfortable
S : come on wanna walk me back to the school and I'll give you a ride
Ze : sure

They walk back to the school laughing and chatting. Zenix grabs her hand halfway there and she holds his back.

S : I had a lot of fun today zenix and I thought hanging with gene was worth something but it was fun
Ze : I'm glad come on I'll walk you to your door

He walks to the door and star kisses his on the cheek before disappearing into the house

Aa : so what was that about
S : huh
Aa : I thought you liked gene
S : I might have liked gen but I think I'm in love
Aa : with zenix
S : yes
Aa : whatever makes you happy

Star runs upstairs and sees a text on her phone

Ze : I had fun tonight hope we can hangout again soon
S : me too night zeni
Ze : night starshine

Star falls asleep

In the morning

Star wakes up and gets dressed for school. She puts on black knee length boots black shorts and a black crop top. She does her makeup and walks downstairs

Aa : black again
S : I kinda like it
Aa : okay then

They arrive at school and star runs up to zenix. She hugs him and kisses his cheek

S : hey
Ze : hey star
S : I missed you
Ze : we saw each other last night
S : yeah but still
Ze : oh I missed you too

Zenix grabs her hand and they walk into school. Gene walk sup to them

Ge : hey star what happened yesterday

He notices their hands and glares at zenix

Ge : zenix why are you holding hands with star
Ze : be
S : because we are dating now
Ze : we are
S : yes we are
Ge : prove it

Star kisses zenix on the lips and gene storms away yelling cuss words

S : I'm sorry
Ze : I understand you wanted to make him jealous
S : it was more of an excuse to kiss you but
Ze : o-oh
S : I'm sorry I should have warned you
Ze : no it's fine I kinda enjoyed it
S : me too
Ze : o know it might be early but I guess I should officially ask you

Zenix pulls out a small box and reveals a ring with a purple diamond on it

Ze : star lycan will you be my girlfriend
S : yes!

He slides the ring onto her finger

S : it's beautiful
Ze : it's a promise ring
S : really
Ze : I promise to always love you and to be faithful no matter how bad things get
S : I love you zenix

They share a passionate kiss and people around them clap

V : your still happy how!
S : I found someone who loves me
Ze : so your the girl who has been bullying my star
V : so what

Zenix pins her to a locker with her arm behind her back

Ze : if I hear you touched or said anything rude to my girlfriend you won't love to see the light of day
V : o-okay just let me go
Ze : good now get

Zenix let's her go and she scrambled away

S : thank you
Ze : nobody hurts my girl
S : come on let's go to the park
Ze : by classes
S : it will be fine
Ze : okay let's go

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