Note: 10 day Challenge

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Okay so I have been stuck with The Chase trying to get my creative juices flowing before you know August so I am going to do a 10 day challenge where I have to write a book in 10 days and if it's bad then it's bad and after I'll see how it is. It will be unedited and just my thoughts on a paper.

So for this story this is how it's gonna be:

Start the story and then everyday write as much as I can and see if I can write a full story with characters and no weird time things or age things. After 10 days I have to finish the story and if i don't then that means I have to end it right then and there no matter what the circumstances. 

But if EACH chapter gets 10 LIKES then I have the option to fix one chapter or write one more chapter. It goes by 10's so like if it hits 20 that means I can do another chapter of either fixing or adding another and so on.

It depends on how people like it.

By the way, I don't know if this has been done but I feel like maybe it's been done somewhere but like this is my version. 

Okay so here it is.

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