Chapter 14 Brevlen Boys and Father

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Nicole POV

So, I got Joshua to talk to his father so he can come over. Of course Atty doesn't know and he's gonna be pissed but nothing I can't handle and if I can't I'll just let Morgan lose on him. Inez left and promised to call us. We're sitting in the living room just talking.

"Is your arm okay?" Morgan asks. I nod and look at the small scars all over my lower right arm.

"Yeah, all healed." I say. Atty has me on his lap as I rest back on his chest. His arms are wrapped around my stomach as he nuzzles at my neck but than the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." he says. I slide off his lap and he stands up, walking to the door. He opens it and gasps.

"Hi big brother." I turn and see who I think is Bleda who looks alot like Atty.

"What do you want?" Atty asks.

"I wanted to visit my older brother. Attila Brevlen and family." he says walking in.

"I'm not Brevlen anymore." he says.

"Really? What are you than?" Bleda asks.

"Nothing, what do you want?" he asks. 

"My son who's if I understood right your daughter's mate." he says.

"I've heard and seen. That doesn't really explain why your here." Atty says.

"I wanted to meet your family." he says as the bell rings again.

"I'll get it." I say. I open and see him.


I fall back and crawl till I hit Atty's legs.

"Wha..." he turns and see's him. "Dad?"

"Attila and boys." he says. I freak out and lock my arms around Atty's arm.

"Its okay." he says softly. "Get out before I kill you." 

"Oh...Atty. You wouldn't kill your own father. Would you?" he asks smiling.

"Out!" he yells but than Skylar walks down the stairs.

"Pappy Brevlen!" she says jumping into his arms. "I missed you."

"I missed you too baby." he says sliding his hands down her back and to her butt. Thats when Atty snaps.

"Get the fuck away from my daughter!" he yells pulling her away from him. "Get out or I swear. I will kill you!" 

"Alright but watch your lover, my boy." he says before leaving.

"Atty?" I say. He walks over to me, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"What did I miss? What happen with you and dad?" Bleda asks.

"Never you mind. You can stay here." Atty says sitting me back down. 

"I'll take her upstairs, you take care of your brother." Morgan says taking my hand and leading me upstairs to my room. The fear I feel for Brevlen, the horrible fire that burns my chest everytime I see him makes my heart explode and I freak out. "Your okay, he's gone and he won't get you."

"I'm sorry, I can't do this. I can't see him." I say shaking. "The fear is eating me alive. This is why we moved and he still finds us."

"Than we'll take care of him. Its been 15 years. He's older, not as strong." she says. I nod and lean into her arms. "Just go to bed, I'll leave the door open so if you need something than just call for us. Okay? Attila will be up soon."

"Okay." I say. She kisses my cheek and stands up. I crawl under the covers and close my eyes. Brevlen has fucked my life up too much. To much for me to handle anymore.


I know, strange....and pointless.

Nikki :)

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