A big lie

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Rudra's POV
rudra and his family got ready to go to allaiance's house. They reached their house and vijay also accompanied them. 'Pa! What a beautiful house da your lucky man buddy' said vijay. 'Stop your nonsense talks and come with me' said rudra in a harsh voice. Girl's mother and father welcomed them in entrance. 'Welcome, welcome come inside please sit down' said girl's father. All the sweets and snack items were kept before us . Vijay started eating without even taking permission. 'Ooph! I'm aldready in a situation how am I going to stop this rubish that's going on before me, but you are eating snacks leathargickly' said rudra. 'Why do you worry man, when you see the girl you will forget everything and get into "marraige mood" said vijay. 'Stupid, stupid' rudra hitted vijay. ' We have come in good time ,call the girl so that we could see her' said pooja. Girl's mother went inside and came with the girl. The girl distributed coffee. Pooja asked her grandsparents in a slow tone' Is she will be ok for our family'. Her grandmother said 'what pooja look at our rudra how handsome he is this girl will be ok but not to his level, that's all I could say'. Her grandpa 'ok ma, she is fine'. Rudra broke the awkard silence and asked 'I want to talk to the girl in person shall I?'.' Ya sure son', said girl's father. Both of them went to terrace. 'Hi I'm harini' said the girl. 'Hi' said rudra. Rudra started in a serious tone 'I just wanted to say something to you'. 'What'asked harini. 'Well! I know every girl wants a guy who will be hers only forever but I'm not so' said rudra. 'What do you mean' asked harini with a trembling voice. 'Yes ,I'm aldready married man' said rudra. It was like dropping a huge stone in the head for harini, she was speechless. 'Yes we did a register marraige where only my friends like vijay knows, nobody else knows even my sister and my family members. We are living together only know in a flat and unfortunately............. .' dragged rudra. 'Unfortunately!' asked harini. 'Nothing I'm going to becone dad yes my wife is 2 months pregnant' said rudra. Harini speechless she doesn't know what to do. She was thinking 'how could I give up such an awesome guy but its all fate some girl has aldready registered before me'. 'I'm know also ready to marry you, but you will become my second wife. You itself know which is better 1st or 2nd then your wish', rudra said in a sad voice. Harini's mind voice: eventhough he is an awesome guy I can't become his second wife so let us give up this alliance. 'You look to be a gentleman brother, if somebody else have been in this situation he would have fooled me and my parents even his 1st wife also. Thank god you are not like that, thank you brother not for fooling me' said harini. 'Your welcome sister' said rudra with pride. 'I will say something and stop this alliance you don't worry, take care of wife. Reveal this soon to your sister so that you stay together' said harini.'I will try my best sister' said rudra. Both of them went to the hall. People over there were eagerly waiting for these two's response. 'I dont have time I have an important meeting I need to go so we will call up and tell our opinion, thank you' said rudra and vacated the place. Vijay asked while rudra driving his bike, 'what did you said man, did you said ok for this proposal are you going to get married soon. 'I will hit you, that was a fun time. I said I'm already married man with my wife pregnant' said rudra laughing. 'What, OMG, when did this happen without my notice' exclaimed vijay. 'Hey stupid this a lie man, I said this so that she will think upon me. But she is very clever within seconds she turned up and called me brother. There itself my plan got success' said rudra. 'What have you done rudra, you played in the life of a girl' said vijay with astonishment.' There is nothing to play I didn't like her first, second I just tested her. Hey man these kinds of girl will just turn up like this when something goes wrong in life, sorry I dont want such freak'
said rudra. 'If your sister comes to know' asked vijay. 'No chance she will never reveal this to anybody' said rudra. 'Ok, you have done a big deal wont you give me treat. Don't worry I will give you party man today enjoy' said rudra. 'Tonight we are going to nisha's house for christmas celebration? 'asked vijay. 'Yes of course' said rudra. 'There your crushes will also be comming enjoy' said vijay. 'Ha...ha what to enjoy even nisha herself was my crush once upon time but she is wife of somebody now. Even other crushes category also that only then how could I approch them with that old opinion' asked rudra. 'Are you such a good boy man' exclaimed vijay. 'Basically I'm a good boy only man' said rudra with a smile.

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