The one with the film choice🎬

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Still in the middle of the sea Jen is kissing Brad and she isn't prepeared to go all the way with him because she wants to make him wait for payback for making her wait all these years. She pulls away and says

Jen: I'm getting really cold can we go inside??

Brad: of course let's get you warmed up.

Jen knows that was the perfect excuse because he wouldn't let her be cold outside so she knew he would understand the circumstances.
Jen started to lead the way by strutting through the cold water whilst Brad was watching her from behind and thought to him self how am I so lucky to gain back the most incredible woman I have ever laid my eyes on!

Reaching the beach hut, Jen and Brad walk in together so then nobody is left outside alone.

Jen: I am just going to get my pyjamas on so I can Warm up is that okay?

Brad: yes that's fine shall we watch a film?

Jen likes that idea because it reminds her of the old times when they used to chill on the sofa with takeaway watching films.

Jen: sounds great!

Brad smirks

Jen: ok so you pick a film whilst I get changed.

Jen heads to the luxury bedroom which has a large double bed which makes her happy because she knows she will be sharing it with the only man she would want to share one with.

Whilst Brad is trying to pick a film, he starts to stress because he doesn't know what films she likes anymore because all the genres have changed since they were together and he doesn't want her to watch a film she doesn't like.

In the bedroom, Jen gets unchanged and because it's hot she wears a long bright pink top which goes down to her mid thigh which shows her tanned, toned legs.

Jen only wears her underwear underneath so if her top
Came up there would be nothing she could do about it but ideally it wouldn't be that much of a big deal because she wants to tease him alottt.
Before leaving the bedroom she looks in the mirror and fixes her hair, top and makeup because she hasn't taken that of yet and she won't until they go to bed.

When Jen opens the main room door Brad looks up to find his woman barely dressed with just a pink top on. At first, he thought it was his which I liked but then he realised he doesn't own a pink top.

He smiled at her making butterflies run through Jens body because she knows that she has made him happy.

Jen: have you picked a film babe?

Brad: no, because I don't know what films your in to.

Jen: anything really just not horrors.

Brad: ok you name a film and we will watch it.

Jen likes that he is letting her make minor decisions but she doesn't know what film she wants to watch either!

Jen: ermmm I don't really know either there are so many.

Brad: I think we should watch one with you in so then I am lucky enough to have two of you with me.

Jen laughs because she loves that she knows he wants her a lot and it makes her happy to know he wants two of her.

Jen: ok. Even though watching yourself in a film is hard.

Brad: ok which one.

Jen: is there any you haven't watched?

Brad: I only haven't watched Marley and Me.

Jen realises that he must have watched were the millers and just go with it where she has to show a lot of her body.

Jen: Marley and Me really? That was one of my most popular ones. It's so sad.

Brad: ye I always backed away from watching it because I'm not good with sad films in an emotional wreck when it comes to them.

Jen: oh well some things never change then. (Laughing)

(To be continued I finished it here because I thought it has been a while since I posted so I am posting like three quarters on this chapter)

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