College party. ((Smut))

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Righty, so I decided to write some smut because why not? This is a bit longer than my usual stories but I thing it's worth reading.

Request by: a_foodz
Yup, requests are taken, now enjoy!

Dippers POV

I can't believe she made me do this!! Mabel, my twin sister made me come to such a dreadful place! To the place she knows I don't belong to! A party!!

Me being the nerd I am, I'm happy staying up all night and reading but coming to a college party? And that's not all, she ,of course, has to bring me to the party of my crush!! Yes, yes. I have a crush on the most popular guy on campus. Bill Cipher.
With his beautiful golden hair and yellow eyes, and that muscular body, and the thing that always steals my heart away is that sexy smile of his.

"DIPPER!!" Mabel literally screams into my ear "don't space out on me bro bro, we're here! It's time to have fun!"
I pick my head startled and stare at the huge house we're standing in. It's decorated with neon lights, and I can clearly make out the music and the chattering of the people.
"Mabel, this is a VERY bad idea" I try stating but without taking any knowledge of me, she opens the door and pulls me inside.

The scene in front of me is threatening and exciting at the same time. The place is filled with people, drinking, dancing and shouting. A few of them are having a heated make-out session while others decided to approach the punch desk.
I can't help but stare as a few jocks try separating a drunk couple who decided to take it a bit further. The girl was already in her bra and they were climbing all over each other.

My imagination wonders off again, but this time it goes further than it should. In my thought I imagine me and Bill making out, him ripping my cloths off and grinding against me, fully dominating the situation.

"Hey bro, why are you blushing? Are you sick?" Mabel asks with a worried expression, knocking me out of my personal heaven.
"I'm fine Mabel,"
Suddenly, a sweet voice hits my ears and by the time I turn there, the owner of the angelic tone is standing beside me and my twin.
"Mabel! Dipper! I'm so glad you two made it!"
"Bill!" Screams Mabel jumping up to hug him "this party's lit! Hey look!" She point her left hand towards the food table where a rainbow jelly proudly stands out.

Not even a second later she let's go of Bill and sprints towards the sweet dessert.

Bill and I stare after her for a few seconds before turning back and facing each other.
"Hey Dipper, enjoying the party?" He asks me sweetly.
I can't help but blush at his smiling face and I attempt to cover my face. "I-I was just about to leave, actually.."
"What? Already?"
"Well, Yeah."

"Hey Bill! We're playing spin the bottle! Cmon!" Screams a jock running over to Bill.
"Kay, I'm going" he states before turning back towards me. "Can you stay for a round?"

Looking into those beautiful shining eyes, my words got stuck in my throat and I couldn't do other than nod.

Our trio walked over to a small gang seated around an empty bottle. Bill sat down first and the jock sat beside him. Looking around, the only leftover space was between two giggling girls so I couldn't do other than hop down in between them.

"Alright, everyone know the rules right?" Questioned a brown haired, blue eyed girl. "Well, to make it a bit more interesting~" she smirked and gave a mischievous look to the group "the people who are picked will have to take their private time in a bedroom~"

A few people gasped and the girls beside me started giggling, Bill looked a bit shocked and a few boys winked at some girls.
"There there," the girl who told us the rules sushed "let's get started, Claire, you spin!"

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