Mission Get Him Out Of My Life

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"Hey Cassie, Omar over here?"

       "Yea come in" I step aside for her to enter and as soon as she sees Omar she smiled so bright. Although Omar is glaring me, like he was mad that let her in. 

"Baby I haven't seen you in two weeks, I miss you" he breaks his glare from me then returns the smile to Naya.

           "My bad, you know I missed bring your sexy ass here" I roll my eyes at him. She giggles and walks to him. At first they hug and of course he grabs her ass but before you know it they are making out.  Really right in front of me. This is exactly why I would never be with a guy like him. I loudly clear my throat and Naya pulls away giggling like a little girl getting asked on her first date.

"My bad girl, come on baby lets go" she say pulling him but he grabs her wrist to stop. I look down at my wrist the same wrist he touched me with.

         " I'll be over in ah minute" he says now staring at me but just look away.

"Why not now?" she questions and I was wondering also. I would say it out loud but the atitude I have I don't want it to be shown.

            "Gotta get some of her hair products for my niece" he flat out lie.

"Oh ok" she says before leaving. It was just quiet and all he did was stand there.

      "You can go" I said with a clear atitude but yet he doesn't say anything just stares.

       "Go! Get out man!" he was making me mad.

    "Just admit Cassie" I sigh, he is getting on my nerves with admit shit.                 

          "Shut tha fuck up wit that! I'm not admitting shit. It doesn't matter, this betweem me and you don't matter. So don't come over no more.  I mean ever!" I was at the peak of my madness with him. At this point I didnt even want to look at him. So I walked away, upstairs to my room.  I heard my door slam to let me know bitch ass left. Didn't I say male drama is unnecessary.  I was hurt by what he said even though I knew thats what he wanted from the beginning. What him and Naya did in front of me replayed in my head. Every time it replayed I got even more mad. How in the hell you think I'm going to admit I want you after you and your lil girlfriend put on a show like that.  Maybe him being nice and open when wr talked was a front.  I don't know. I'm just done and I knkw he is going to go against my word and come back. Thats not what I want though I want him gone. Away from me, out of my life. The only way to is give him what he wants. So I will give him what he wants, fuck I don't care no more. Once he leaves Naya's I will follow him home. Hopefully he lives by himself. To prepare I take a shower and lotion up. When I'm done I look outside to him starting up his car. I hurriddly grab my shoes and get to my car. I follow him a distance until he pulls into a apartment complex. Good he lives alone. I park three apartments down. Then get out to follow him. He must of heard my shoes because he turned around and looked at me.

   "Cassie what are you doing here?" I don't even say anything to him just start hug him and then kissing his cheeks then he lips. Which turned in to making out. He tried to slow the kiss down but I wanted the same kiss he gave Naya. He pulls away.



   "You don't have-"

         "This is what you wanted so take it"

   "This isn't wh-"

          "I'm admitting that I want you"

    " Thats all I wanted to hear" he says before planting kisses all over me. Oh he was making hard not to like it.

           "Lets go inside" he nod before leading me in his apartment. 


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