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Corey .
On my way back home , I met this girl . And let me tell y'all she is far from normal .  Most girls worship the ground I walk on . The wear short skirts , twirl their hair when I talk to them , and are always tryna twerk on someone .

So I decided to put her the test .

I asked her if we could share a blanket , and we did . After she fell asleep , I pullled my signature move and went straight for the neck . Surprisingly , she actually tried pushing me off. Ok , definitely not normal . As a matter of fact , she was FAR from normal . At least we  would be going to school together , so I had WAY more time to make her mine . But for now , I need my damn sleep .

*Next Morning *

I woke up a little earlier than Starr . We decided to call each other by our last names because why not ? 🙃
I guess the weather was better than expected , because the flight attendant announced that we would be landing soon . I  tried to wake Starr , but she was knocked out cold .

" Leave me alone Dante "

What tf ? Who the hell was Dante .

" Sierra , who the hell is Dante ? " I asked .

" Who are you the CIA ? " she said .

" Sierra . "

" Just a kid from the orphanage "

The flight attendant called for us to get off the plane . We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways .

When I got home , I was almost tackled to the ground by my sister , Camila .

" I missed your ugly ass ! And Caroline's upstairs ... so ... " she trailed off .

" Shit . Thanks sis . " I said

Caroline was my girlfriend , but we broke up about 2 weeks ago . But she's stuck on me . I never really loved her though . Shit , I didn't even like her . We really only messed around because we were both popular at school .

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