Fundamentals Part V

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1. The four major concepts in nursing theory are the

A. Person, Environment, Nurse, Health

B. Nurse, Person, Environment, Cure

C. Promotive, Preventive, Curative, Rehabilitative

D. Person, Environment, Nursing, Health

2. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery is theorized by

A. Nightingale

B. Benner

C. Swanson

D. King

3. For her, Nursing is a theoretical system of knowledge that prescribes a process of analysis and action related to care of the ill person

A. King

B. Henderson

C. Roy

D. Leininger

4. According to her, Nursing is a helping or assisting profession to persons who are wholly or partly dependent or when those who are supposedly caring for them are no longer able to give care.

A. Henderson

B. Orem

C. Swanson

D. Neuman

5. Nursing is a unique profession, Concerned with all the variables affecting an individual’s response to stressors, which are intra, inter and extra personal in nature.

A. Neuman

B. Johnson

C. Watson

D. Parse

6. The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health that he would perform unaided if he has the necessary strength, will and knowledge, and do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible.

A. Henderson

B. Abdellah

C. Levin

D. Peplau

7. Caring is the essence and central unifying, a dominant domain that distinguishes nursing from other health disciplines. Care is an essential human need.

A. Benner

B. Watson

C. Leininger

D. Swanson


A. Benner

B. Watson

C. Leininger

D. Swanson

9. Caring is healing, it is communicated through the consciousness of the nurse to the individual being cared for. It allows access to higher human spirit.

A. Benner

B. Watson

C. Leininger

D. Swanson

10. Caring means that person, events, projects and things matter to people. It reveals stress and coping options. Caring creates responsibility. It is an inherent feature of nursing practice. It helps the nurse assist clients to recover in the face of the illness.

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