Chapter 34.

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Dial. Call. Wait. No answer. Fifth time, all straight to Justin's voicemail.

I'm not stupid, I know Justin left with that journal just as he stormed out of my house. But what I am, is pissed. I get that he's a grown man, just as I am, but he should know better than to act the way he's been lately. You see, that isn't how our whole "arrangement" works.

I remember when he was scared out of wits to speak to me, let alone talk back. But then again, I was five times his size, my body and voice multiplying. And my actions. And he found out about that when I came across his mom a while back —oh, maybe fifteen, twenty years ago. It was pretty traumatizing for the kid, really. I can still see the entire episode replaying over and over in his eyes every time I try to bring her up. It's quite funny, actually, seeing him get all fired up over something that he'll never be able to forget or change.

Thinking of the journal no longer being in my grasp, that reminds me — I have a little "meeting" with dearest Scarlett this afternoon. And what she doesn't know is that she won't be trading in those worthless papers for her journal, or for anything at all.

I don't give a flying shit about those entries she's trying to make an exchange with, and I don't care about her journal either, believe it or not. My plan is this: I'll find a journal look-alike, meet her at the community park with it. God knows if I arrive there without anything, she could get stubborn and make me show her proof, she'll be fed up with the entire thing. Then, once she shows me her entries, of course, we'll trade. But that's what I hope won't happen. It's most probable she isn't going to hand over her precious entries, so she won't even think about bringing her treasures along. She's too smart to do that. But she obviously can't outsmart me. Once we—she—eventually figures out we've both arrived empty-handed, she'll try running off. If she even does so, I can easily grab her, take her with me-business is done. I'll just need to teach her a little lesson as to her sneaking behind my back with Justin.


Four o' clock strikes the time, anxiety and nervousness taking over my system. What am I supposed to do? I have nothing to give James. Nothing I'm no longer afraid of giving away. Either way, he's expecting something.

I'm sat at a nearby coffee shop not too far from the school. I got out at three fifteen, thought I'd spend a few minutes calming myself before I have to face the devil himself. Anyway, it would have been a waste of time if I just went home.

I stand up from my stool with my schoolbag slung on one shoulder, tossing away my green tea before exiting the shop. Here we go.

It's sunny out, the heat only adding to the possibility of freaking and fainting. As I near the park, I'd figure James would want to meet somewhere more private. That scares me, believe me, it scares the crap out of me. But I search for related places anyway. Then I spot him, leaning against a tree across the field in which a few younger boys are kicking a soccer ball around. Okay, this is a bad idea. Turn around, Conscience warns, and I almost listen to her for once. Almost. And I should have.

I suck in a deep breath, one hand gripping the strap of my bag, feeling my palm becoming sweaty. I rub it against my thigh as I fight the courage to walk across the field, my emotions going wild. He spots me as I near, a crude grin forming on his lips. He takes a couple steps toward me as I do the same, and once we are finally a matter of feet away from each other, I stop.

"Nice to see you," he casually says. I nod, being my only reply, because I am not glad to see him one bit.

"My journal?" I squeak. "You brought it, didn't you?" There you go, my conscience encourages. Play it your way. If he finds out you haven't got your papers with you before he hands you the journal, you're screwed.

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