New Case

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New version of 'Deviants Assemble'. Once again, this chapter was hard to write. I couldn't find the right direction and when I thought i did it failed horribly. This version is the one I am happy with, I hope you enjoy it as well!

When I first bought my house, I had absolutely hated it. The small, cabin-like home was right along the border of Canada. Meaning I got more than a few random visits from the police. At first, the police would come a few times a month. Annoying, yes, but overall manageable. As I worked my way up the career ladder they would even come less and less, probably under the assumption that I could handle myself.

These visits, however, did not stay manageable for very long.

I had begun to notice it about three months ago. Knocks on my door would wake me in the middle of the night, force me out of the shower, and tear me from my morning coffee. Once a months had quickly turned to twice a month, once every two weeks, and, finally, once a week. Saturday's, usually.

So, when I saw the police car in front of my home I wasn't too surprised. I had only been home from work for about thirty minutes, which was annoying, but this visit was to be expected so I didn't worry about for too long. As I had come to believe, the rise of Deviants amongst androids forced the police to me. When you take into consideration my location it was understandable. Canada was free, Detroit was not. Any intelligent creature would connect the dots and attempt to flee. The police force only worried I was being forced into something.

I stand from my spot at the table as the red and blue lights flash against my home. They cast a glad against the pale walls of my living room that was hard to miss. My eyes shift over the glow, admiring the way the shadows added another dimension to the place before they land in Daniel, who was still at my house, just as a car door slammed shut.

"Go up to my room and lock the door. One word and you will regret it." Danial doesn't even hesitate at my warning. Instead, he pushed the chair back with his legs and stands straight before heading off. I reach over and push his hair in, knowing quite well exactly what the police will look for. My hand wraps around a book a few feet away before I sit once more, eyeing the cover. For a moment a silence fills the air. It was only broken by the closing of my bedroom door and the shuffling of pages as I open the book. When the door was suddenly knocked on I was sure to act natural and calm.

"Come in." I spoke loudly, knowing the people at the door would find the lock undone. It had been a long time since that lock had even been used.

"There is no need, (Y/N). I am simply here to collect you. We have another suspected deviant case." Conner's familiar voice slips from under the door, downright scaring me. I visibly jump at the unexpected sound. A thud follows as my book tumbles to the floor. Conner? At my house? Never had I expected anything like hat to happen.

My chair made a squeaking sound as I stand, the wooden thing being pushed back a couple of feet. Quickly I was making my way to the front door, a rather sound padding sound resonated from my sock-covered feet. When I reach the door I waste no time in pulling it open. The wind hit my fact harshly at the act, sending my hair flying around behind me.

"A case?" I whisper as if someone was listening in. My eyes rise to Conner's face, taking in his hands clasped in front of him. He stood rather awkwardly at the door. It seemed as though he did not know what to do. Certainly cyberlife had added the ability to do something right? Yet it seemed Conner was too still, the only part of him that moved was his eyes. The chocolate brown meets my own. They seem to even soften as they do, my memory flashing to his body protecting mine from the deviant. Perhaps Cyberlife had gotten something right. "What do you mean? We just finished up with the last one."

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