The Wave Mission

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Hokage Office.


It had been several weeks since the newest generation of team seven had been formed and Danzo was currently busy dealing with the seemingly never-ending paperwork that would enter into his small office at all hours of the day and night. Hell, sometimes he would even be awoken in the middle of the night just so he could restamp something in case he didn't do it before he had returned home for the night. The filing system really was in need of a good upgrade. He had heard wondrous news of a new invention called the computer that was making waves all over the Land Of Sun far to the east, maybe he could try setting up a meeting with the inventor in the coming days. Just as that thought entered his mind the 37th pile that day and the 7th this past hour alone landed atop his table. His secretary slowly walking out of the room. She was very young, no older than 25. She had the greenest eyes and long brown hair that reached all the way to the midway point of her back. She had proven herself to be a highly-skilled secretary. Her graceful steps even with a large tower of paperwork in her hands still blew him away even after working with her for so long. But of course, it was her ass he enjoyed watching the most. As the Hokage, he could have ordered her to perform her womanly duty but so far he dared not. Still, he always loved watching her leave. It was the primary reason he had hired her, that and she knew how the damn filing system worked and where everything was. He guessed that was a damn good reason too.

"Sir you're 12:30 is here. Should I send him in"? The voice of his secretary voiced over the intercom.

"Yes, send him in". Danzo replied before returning his gaze to the door. The sound of footsteps could be heard and soon the knob began to turn.


The man who entered knew better than to show up wasted. If he wanted his homeland saved he would need outside help. He would need the help of a ninja. He had of course hoped that he wouldn't need to beg for outside aid. But he was by no means a fool. He knew that if something wasn't done soon nobody in The Land Of Waves would have any hope for a future and so here he was begging for aid from the hidden leaf. The most dangerous of all the hidden villages. Eying the third Hokage he stepped into the small office, bowed deeply to the Hokage, and waited to be addressed by the most powerful man in the village.


"You must be. Danzo stopped what he was doing for just a moment to look the man up "Tazuna right"? Danzo asked after finding the man's name on the mission request form.

"That's right, Hokage-same". Tazuna replied in the most respectful way possible. Danzo simply nodded his head at the man's answer before he moved the mission request aside before working on something else altogether. His pen moving at speeds unseen by the younger man's untrained eyes.

"You understand that the cost for a C-rank mission is fifty thousand. With a payment plan of 2,000 per month". Danzo asked as he looked it over one last time. People had, of course, lied before to get a mission done with a much lower cost on their end. He had a feeling this street rat was trying to do just that. It was why he was going to assign team seven to this mission. Mostly so Naruto would stop bugging him about new jutsus. The boy was like a damn sponge with the stuff. The boy clearly had a promising career. One he looked forward to seeing unfold in the days and weeks ahead. His teammates also showing promise as well.

"I do". Tazuna replied in the most respectful of tones he could muster.

"Very well. You will meet your team at gate three in thirty minutes". Danzo said all this without once looking the man in the eye. Tazuna at once bowed and left happy to be finally out of the room.


Hidden Leaf Village Gate 3.


Tazuna had been waiting nearly an hour for his assigned bodyguards and it seemed he would be forced to wait another hour by the looks of things. Had the Hokage been Hiruzen Sarutobi he may have complained about the delay. But doing so with this man was a really good way to die. So he was forced to wait some more. After waiting another two hours he finally saw a group of ninja walk up. He was about to say something rude but in the end, he decided it wasn't at all worth it.

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