I'm Back

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(So I have no clue why I wanted to write this...guess I just wanted to try one shots? Anyway I will take requests if you have them! Just give me a plot and maybe a small disruption...(I've never written smut before though so...I don't really know how good I'd be at that) but enjoy the book-thingy I guess!!!)

-Tord's POV-

Ugh I can't get the memory out of my head!


'Beep beep beep' the sounds of buzzers going off as a harpoon goes through my robot...

'CRASH' it hit the ground and I crawled out injured...

I looked out over the place I had destroyed...

The lives I took...

The friends I threw away...

Pawl and Patryk pulled up and took me home...

~end of flashback~

'Look what this place has done to me' I thought, looking down to my robot arm,'Edd and them must hate me for what I've done...especially Tom...'A tear slowly makes its way down my face.I'm in my room,so luckily no one can see me in this state of weakness, it's also 2:00 in the morning and I can't sleep,so the dark is also hiding my face.It's only been a week since the day it happened but the memories lay still fresh in my mind...

I can't take it anymore! I stand up from my bed and pack a backpack full of clothes and other things I might need, carful not to wake anyone else up. I write a note saying I'm leaving for a few days, and to not try to contact me, for I will NOT answer!

I walked to the door and grasped the cold metal knob. 'Here we go!' I thought opening the door. I walked out and to the front door. I slipped on some shoes and headed out into the night. Now only one question remains...WHERE THE HELL DID THEY MOVE TO?!

~20 minuets later~

-Tom's POV-

I was awoken to a small knock on my new apartment door. I rolled over and checked the time on my phone. '2:33'  it read. Oy who would possibly be here at this time of night?! I got up and waddled to the door still in only boxers, for that is what I was sleeping in, and frankly I'm much too tiered to care!

I open the front door to be greeted by a familiar set of horns...the pit I call eyes widen as my tieredness is automatically gone! Instinctively I grab the harpoon I keep by the door(just in case) and point it at the figure of my arch nemesis!

I take another look over Tord ,my eyes getting more equip to the darkness, and,to my surprise, he has his hands up and he's...crying?! I slowly lower my weapon carful not to let my guard down.

"Please Tomas, I'm not here to fight," he says, his thick accent piercing threw each word.

"You may be able to get Edd and Matt with this bull, but I'm not buying it for one second!" I say back in a more angered tone.

"Please! I only came to apologize!" He explains, his sobs more noticeable.

"HOW DO I KNOW YOU'RE NOT GONNA JUST BETRAY US AGAIN?!" I ask, basically yelling now. He seems a little hurt by it,but what do I care, he should be! "BELIEVE IT OR NOT, YOU HURT US! ALL,OF US" I say beginning to cry as well. He looks at me in disbelief. Ya know, I love him! Even if it doesn't seem like it, I do. He's one of the closest things to family I have! Along with Edd and Matt, of course. I guess he only now sees this...

He continues to stare at my crying face as tears continue to stream down his. Then, suddenly, he hugs me! It makes me jump at first, but I slowly give into it and hug back. While we're hugging, I notice his new arm. 'Did I do this?' I ask myself. We ended the hug, and we walked into my house. We both took a seat on the couch,and I ,finally, put the harpoon down.

"I-I'm sorry..." he says stuttering a bit. 'So cute~ ...Wait, WHAT?!'

"It's ok Tord, I'm sorry too..." I reply. We sit in awkward silence for a while, until I finally break it...

-Tord's POV-

"Want anything to drink?" Tom asks. It's kinda funny how only a week ago he was trying to kill me, and now we're sitting in his living room, talking like civilized human beings!

"Um, sure! Whatever you're having!" I say. He walks to the kitchen area, and soon returns, with two bottles of Smirnoff...of course! He hands one to me, and keeps one to himself.

"Cheers?" He asks.

"Cheers!" I smile, and we clank our bottles, and drink and laugh into the night...

(Um soooo how did I do? Should I make a part two? Just remember to suggest stuffs if you wanna! (Try to keep it TomTord and EddMatt plz though!) Hope you liked it! BYE MY NUGGETS!!! LIV OUT!!!)

TomTord (and maybe some EddMatt) Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now