I'm Back: part 2

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(So YAY A PART TWO TO THIS TRASH! I can hear the screams from here! XD but yah this is a part two to I'm back requested by help_Im_bored_ , so thank them (unless you don't like it then it's most likely my fault...)! Hope ya like it!)

~later that night~

-Tom's POV-

It had probably been about an hour or two since Tord had come over, and we haven't stopped drinking yet! Since I drink all the time I'm not too drunk, but Tord on the other hand.....let's just say I don't think he'll be able to get home...

He's rocking for some reason and laughing his ass of at something, he can hardly form sentences, and every time he tries to stand he falls right back down!

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"YaH! *hic* I'm faNtAstic!" He almost shouts with a slur.

"C'mon Tord, let's get you to bed," I sigh.

"NOOOOO!!!!" He wines and squirms on the couch.

"Tord, you're drunk!" I point out.

"And you're hot! What's the point?!" He retorted. I blushed at what he said.

"Wh-what did you just say?" I asked. He looked at me confused.

"What's the point?"

"No before that"

"Ohhh you're hot! You didn't know?" He said like there was nothing wrong with it.

"Y-you think I'm h-h-hot?" I asked stuttering. Oy I hate when I stutter!

"Well yah!" He said bluntly. I was blushing even harder than before now and he just looked at me with an adorable drunk-ish smile.

-Tord's POV-

Tom was a blushing mess and was still trying to get me to go to bed. I mean why is he blushing anyways? Cause I said he was hot? Probably...

"Come on Tord I-I think you need some sleep" He said.

"Fiiiinnnnneeeee!!!!" I sighed in disappointment of loosing, while he sighed in relief. "Only if you go with me~" I added. He looked at me as if I were crazy but let out, yet another, sigh.

"If it will get you to bed than fine!" He said and stood up. I tried to stand to but fell back down.

"OY WHAT DO YOU NOODLE LEGS THINK YOU'RE DOIN?!?!" I shouted at my legs, gaining a snicker from Tom. And as I was about to try and stand up a pair of hands threw me over a shoulder. "TOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled and kicked around.

"Calm down! I'm just taking you to the bedroom!" He said.

"Oh the bedroom, ay~" I said slyly. I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was blushing!

"N-N-Not like that Tord!" He semi-yelled at me. I laughed as he opened his bedroom door. He sat me on the bed and stood back up to look at me.

"Now go to sleep!" He commanded.

"Oh feisty are we?~"

"Sh-shut up Commie!"

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer. He was still blushing like mad for what I could make out in the dark room, but I still pulled him in. 'He's so pretty in the dark...and I the light too!' I thought. I couldn't help myself and pulled the taller man into a gentle, yet passionate, kiss.It took him a while to register what was going on but he slowly began to kiss back!

-Tom's POV-

'HE KISSED ME! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS OF HIDING MY EMOTIONS, HE KISSED ME!' My mind raced. I know he's drunk but right now I don't care! I've loved this man for years and now he actually, sorta, feels the same way!

I feel him biting on my bottom lip and I gladly let him enter my mouth. After that...let's just keep it as things got pretty heated!

~next day (cuz I can)~

-Edd's POV-

I woke up before everyone else, as usual,but last night I kept being awakened by these strange noises coming from Tom's apartment...so today I was gonna check it out! I walked over to Tom's door after getting dressed and knocked. And, to my surprise, Tord answered the door!

"Oh, uh, hi Edd! Good morning!" He said with his thick accent. He was wearing only boxers and Tom's kitten shopping T-shirt but no pants. Wonder why!

"Good morning Tord! Um, if you don't mind me asking, why are you in Tom's room? I thought you guys hated each other!" I replied.

"Oh, about that, I came to apologize last night..."

And with that our friendship was, basically, renewed between all of us! Especially him and Tom! We never found out why, but it's none of our business I guess!

(There ya go my nuggets! Btw I'm like 12 so I've never actually been drunk. I know it's not good and I haven't grammar checked it at all, so ...yah! But what did ya think? Comment any other requests you have! Also if I do your request I will make sure to mention you (unless you don't want mentioned then tell me)! But I'll try to keep writing/ updating this each day but it may be at night cuz I'm moving and junk! And thanks again to help_Im_bored_ for requesting a part two to this! ^u^ Till next time my nuggets! LIV OUT!)

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