Chapter 3~ Riot

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From across the lunchroom, Nathan and Piotr surround a trenchcoat-wearing young man. "Hey, sweetheart!" Nathan calls out. He approaches the young man and wraps an arm around his neck. He then pats the kid's head. The young man wished to act natural and not attack unless necessary. But he wasn't much of a socializer. Piotr sits down beside the young man. A sickly sweet smile spreads across his lips. Someone new and someone who wouldn't care! "Emo much?" Piotr asks, nudging the young man in the side. The young man doesn't give a response. That's what they craved. A new victim to respond back to. To let their anger out on. They only were to annoy. "Hey, Nate!" Piotr calls over to his friend. He looks over at Nathan. Nathan releases the young man from his grasp. "Doesn't this cafeteria have a no fags allowed rule?" Piotr asks, looking back at the young man. "Excuse me, but this cafeteria does seem to have an open policy for clichéd dickheads like yourselves." The young man comments. The young man stands up and reaches down to his waist. The two jocks stand their guard. The young man pulls out a revolver and twirls it on a finger. It doesn't faze them that this kid could snap and shoot both of 'em. The young man aims the gun at the two jocks. The jocks put on a brave face. But, they're wetting their pants. The young man pulls the trigger, letting off two loud booms within the room. Instantly, they turn heads.

"Holy shit..." A female's voice gasps. "Holy shit!" A guy yells and points. "Holy shit...holy shit!" Another female screams. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" Miss Heather exclaims as she runs for safety. "Holy shit..." The young man murmured. The smoke finally clears from around Piotr and Nathan. They stand with their arms raised to shield themselves from the bullets. They lower their arms and look around the room. Nathan looks over at the young man. "Ha! Joke's on you! You missed!" He declares. The young man smiles and rolls his eyes. "Why when you see boys fight, does it look so horrible yet....feel so right?" Ellie asks. Y/n's attention is however focused on the young daredevil. I shouldn't watch this crap...that’s not who I am. But with this kid…daaaaamn! The two jocks walk toward the young man with a smile on their faces. "Let's show him the traditional welcoming party rituals!" Piotr says, cracking his knuckles. Now...shit would get real. "Hold his arms..." Nathan instructs. The two jocks charge at the young man who in response jumps up onto the table. The young man reaches down to his waist and pulls out two small white balls. He throws them onto the floor with the balls releasing white smoke. The two jocks run their stomachs into the table. They let out a groan as they fall to their knees. Y/n's eyes grow wide with excitement. Hey, mister no name who might you be? And could you fight for me? Hey, could you face the crowd? Could you be seen with me and still act proud? Hey, could you hold my hand and could you carry me through no man's land?

The two jocks stand up and look around the cafeteria. There sits the young man about the next table away, smiling at the jocks. The young man then taunts them with a raspberry. He laughs as the two jocks stand up. "It's fine if you don't agree!" The young man exclaims. The two jocks begin to storm toward him. Y/n feared for the young man's safety but wanted to see how this would turn out. But I would fight for you if you would fight for me! Let them drive us underground! I don't care how far! Would it end? The two jocks stood on both sides of the young man. "Get him!" Piotr demands. The two jocks run toward the man in the middle. The young man stands up on the seat and jumps up, causing the two jocks to run into one another. The young man lands on top of the table and crosses his arms across his chest. "You can set my broken bones and I know CPR!" The young man declares. The two jocks separate and turn to look up at the young man. They both glare at him. The entire room is silent. "Hey, hot stuff, like what you see?" The young man asks, taunting the two jocks. He jumps down from the table. Nathan runs at the young man. The young man jumps up onto the table and leans down, placing his lips on Nathan's forehead. Nathan shoves the guy away and steps back in shock. The young man then raises a foot and kicks Nathan in the face. Nathan falls back onto the floor.

"Well, whoa, you can punch real good!" The crowd exclaims. "You've lasted longer than I thought you would..." Piotr states. The young man smirks at Piotr. Y/n just stares starstruck at this new champion. So hey, Mister no name kid...if some night you're free, wanna fight for me? If you're still alive, I would fight for you! If you would fight for me! The crowd just looks amused by the school bullies gettin' their own payback. Indeed, impressive for the jocks getting a taste of their own medicine. "Holy shit!" The crowd exclaims. A fist flies to Piotr's jaw. Piotr stumbles back while holding it. "Holy shit!" The crowd exclaims as Piotr falls forward onto the tile floor, signaling defeat. "Holy shit!" A teacher runs into the room to see the scene. Miss Heather's jaw dropped upon seeing this. "Holy shit!" The crowd exclaims as a collective cheer fills the room. The young man rolls his eyes and digs his hands into his pockets. He walks out of the cafeteria with the bell going off.

So used up, so let down.

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