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Not all poems are light filled and hopeful.

Rant poem about Paranoia:

Trapped in a cage of my own thoughts,
Filled with evil and nightmares.
My only solace is trying to stay awake,
But not everyone can surpass the weakness of sleep.

Drowned by my own demons that are trapped with me.
I stay here in a panic that will never go away
It may fade and drift off but will remain constant.
Always lurking around waiting for its chance to strike yet again.

Why do I have to fight? Why have I been cursed with this pit of darkness and despair?
Why is it my only hope for the rest of my pitiful life?

My light of guiding hands brightened soon fade away, for I have nothing left but my negligence. My false hope of things ever becoming as they once we're, the days of sweetness and imagination.

Malicious thoughts continue to fill my head as I try to fight with every ounce of strength left, yet I fail to my own weakness. Myself.

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