Day II: First Date

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"It's going to be fine. Tommy."

Tommaso Ciampa could only look at his best friend's wife helplessly. It's been nearly seven months since the lovely woman by the name Alexis Kaufman had agreed to be his girlfriend. In the seven months, he was embarrassed to admit that he had never taken her out on a date.

With his injury and her always on tour, they can't seem to have a perfect opportunity to go out. Most days together consisted of being in bed watching Disney Movies or Marvel Movies. They still weren't a public couple—at least, not yet. After his win against Johnny at Chicago and Alexa's own Money in the Bank and RAW Women's Champion win, they had time for themselves, and he wanted to show her off.

Sure, he drew the line when it comes to the cameras shoved in his face because of the reality TV show she's a part of, but he knew she wanted this. A date was something her best friend had always pointed out as something she wanted from him. He was more than willing to oblige, at least once.

"Do I look okay?" He knew his question sounded stupid, but who could blame him. He didn't really know what to wear at Disney Land.

"Look, me and Johnny are just in casual clothes. You in a Loki T-shirt and snug jeans isn't much of a problem as you think it is. You're actually matching with Johnny in his Thor one." Candice LeRae pointed out making Tommaso regret putting on his favorite shirt.

"You can wear a suit if you want." Johnny shrugged being the most cool headed of the trio as they waited for the last member of their impending misadventures.

"You are not helping." Tommaso groaned.

Before the husband and wife duo could laugh at their friend's expense, the doorbell sounded and the Blonde Canadian was quick to make her way to the door.

The Psycho Killer was feeling nothing short of dread. He was nervous and it's been far too long since he had actually done this. It was almost like a high school all over again for him. Returning to the living room, Candice had a beautiful angel in her arms that took the Psycho's breath away.

In a grey shirt and leggings, she looked casually ready for the day ahead. A smile couldn't help but rest on his lips. What completed her entire look is the Minnie Mouse headband and Mickey Mouse backpack. With her height and how she dressed, for a moment he thought he was dating a kid.

"You look adorable. We're definitely gonna get that same headband when we get there." Candice pointed out making her way towards her husband.

Alexa smiled before her eyes turning towards Tommaso that was sure to still have the smile on his lips.

"Stop ogling on your girlfriend and let's go." Johnny interrupted the staring finally getting out of the house with his wife in tow.

He grumbled under his breath before approaching the smaller woman. The smile still present on both of their lips.

"You look adorable." He pointed out.

"I was actually going for beautiful, but I'll take what I can get." She responded, hesitantly her smaller hand took hold of his much larger ones.

He clasped onto her hand tighter as they got out of the Gargano residence. After looking the door, the group all made their way into Johnny's car. The men in front and the girls immediately occupying the back. The women sharing a love for anything Disney were already busy with talking about what they were going to do once they arrived.

The boys were also deep in their own conversation throughout the entire drive.


"So, we're just gonna see you two for Lunch right?" Candice asked as soon as they headed out of the car.

The happiest place on Earth was right in front of them, but their jobs meant Johnny and Tommaso couldn't be seen together to maintain kayfabe. But it was still a brand new feeling to see the usually asshole Tommaso Ciampa and Bitch in the ring, but sweet to fans Alexa Bliss out together.

"We'll just text you if we find something good to eat." Alexa grinned turning her attention back to Tommaso, his eyes still looking all around the park.

Candice had told Alexa that this was the man's first time was daunting to know. The moment he had suggested their first date to be in her favorite place in the world she was both ecstatic and intimidated by it. Tommaso wasn't much of a Disney fan compared to herself, or Candice and even Johnny Gargano. He was doing this more for her than him.

She had a mission now. She wanted to think of a place where both of them could enjoy and not just to her expense.

"Let's go then."

Alexa smiled at Candice and Johnny before following Tommaso into the crowd. Throughout the entire time, eyes were on them. She was uncertain if it was because of knowing them or it was from the fear of seeing someone like Tommaso out and about.

Awkwardness emitted from the duo as they walked around. Her eyes sparkled at the numerous rides, but hesitated about having Tommaso go on one of them with her.

She was itching to just hold onto his hands, having him wrap his strong arms around her—but she couldn't. Not when she was so worried about what people would think of them together. She was used to it but the fear still remained when it comes to Tommaso himself. Would he be okay with it? What happened at Takeover was a one-time thing, she was still so unsure about it. Unsure of whether or not he would allow other people to see them like this—together.

"Where do you want to go first?"

Startled by the questioned she noticed the man stood in the middle of the bustling crowd of families trying to get on in their ways. The smiled still remained on his lips as he looked down at her. The blush has yet to fade on her cheeks every single time he would look at her like this.

"You decided." She mumbled, her hands raising to hold onto the strap of her backpack. "I've been to all of the rides before." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"I heard there is a new rollercoaster at the park, you want that?"

Her brows furrowed. For a moment, she thought he would come unprepared, but as he continued explaining how Candice had told him of numerous rides he knew she would like she was reassured he was here more than for her. He wanted to enjoy this as much as she does.

"I know I might stick like a sore thumb here, but yeah." He shrugged eyes observing around, eyes momentarily falling on to them before going on in with their own ways. "I want this to be a perfect first date."

Why did she deserve this kind of relationship?

"You already did." She smiled leaning closer to the man. On her tiptoes she placed a kiss on his cheeks. "I'm happy to have you here with me."

Taking hold of her smaller hand, Tommaso lead them away to their first ride for the day. The worry she had once felt slowly fading as she watched the smile, a genuine smile, play on the man's face. The annoying sound of crying kids or parents didn't bother him as his sole focus was on her and how they would make this the best first date in their relationship.

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