Day IV: In Vino Veritas

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"This is the worst idea we were forced to agree on." Johnny Gargano stared at his wife and then Alexa Bliss happily singing to Frozen's Let It Go.

Tommaso Ciampa has been dating Alexa Bliss, aka Alexis Kaufman for over a year now. It's been over three months since she moved in him and the husband and wife tandem that was Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae. Three months since they've actually gotten to know each other so much that it was scary how his three months changed to the everyday routine he was used to in the past.

Alexa made his life better. All the sparkle and glitter that came of having her in his life was worth it.

But to see her practically drunk up her ass like Candice was a sight to see. Regret still wasn't swimming in his mind compared to his best friend, Johnny.

"Let them be." Tommaso admonished his friend, enjoying the sight of two tone-deaf women singing their own rendition of the movie's theme song. "It's not every day we see them like this."

"You're such a sucker for pain." Johnny shook his head wincing as his wife and his best friend's girlfriend now hit an off-tone high note. "Oh my God." He groaned avoiding Candice throwing her sneakers at him for his comment.

Tommaso could only smile at the antics going on in the house. He was surprised with how his life was in right now. Never in his life could he see himself actually having someone. He was content to always being the third-wheel of the Gargano couple. But then the Blonde Goddess stumbled upon psycho old him.

She was breath of fresh air to what he was so used to in his past. The brightness in the darkness of his dark mind.

After watching them finish the sing-along, the movie has finally ended. For once, it was the guys' turn to pick a movie. Like any men, the two somehow chose to go the Horror-route, much to the displeasure of the girls. Candice snuggled onto Johnny's side, while Alexa was sitting on Tomma's lap, face planted onto the crook of his shoulders.

"Why are they stupid enough to go inside the damn house knowing all the shit that's in it?!" Candice complained.

Tommaso snorted but refused giving a comment not wanting to share the same fate as Johnny as his wife continued hitting him on the arm every single time she was afraid. Maybe watching The Conjuring wasn't much of a good idea as he had first thought it would be.

Even with the scream-fest that continued manifesting, alcohol also continued flowing. So much so that the girls now becoming braver with the alcohol streaming their bloodstream. Candice and Alexa laughing at the jumpscares that happened numerous times in the movie.

"Well, I think that's enough for tonight." Johnny pointed out looking at his wife, half-dead from fatigue and the alcohol. "I'm bringing this one to bed. Night you two." He smirked knowingly as he lifted his wife up bridal style, leaving Tommaso and Alexa watching the credits of the movie.

"Want to watch anything else?" Tommaso asked, for some reason he wasn't keen on getting to bed just yet. Especially with how bouncy his girlfriend still was.

She shrugged snuggling onto his side.

"I'm fine with anything, Tommy." She giggled, her eyes closing in blurry daze. "I'm just happy to have you on my side, and never leaving me when I'm like this."

"The hell are you talking about?!"

His brows furrowed. In their year of being together, this was, by far, the first time he had seen her this drunk. By far, this was the last thing he would expect to happen. He was already expecting the fun and rather bubbly drunk, but never did he expect a sentimental one to come out of his girlfriend.

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