chapter one

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Hey guys so I've been working on this for a while so I have some ideas. Please just give it a chance. This is probably going to be the only authors note because honestly, no one reads them. Please just vote, fan and comment.

GeorgiaP. O. V.

"Hurry, your dad's coming home in like ten minutes. We have to go now!"

"I know, I'll be out in a bit I just need mascara" I yell back to Patricia who is on the other side of my restroom door.

I've never applied much make up to my face since I like to keep things natural. That and the fact that's it doesn't hide the crinkles by my eyes which is what I hate about my self.

But since I became a cheerleader recently, they make me apply some.

I don't even like cheering, like what the hell is with that?

It's just an excuse for girls to be parading around with they're legs wide open.

And yet here I am captain of the cheer squad even though I just started.

"Alright I'm ready" I say walking out of the restroom twirling in a circle for Patricia to see me.

I'm wearing a little black dress that reaches about mid thigh. Personally this is to short for my liking but it's all Patricia lend me.

I topped it off by pairing it with some cute pink pumps that I pulled out of my sisters closet.

"Well? Answer, please I'm feeling insecure now"

"No, no! You look so freacking hot! I love your boobs"

"Thanks, I grew them my self" I answer playfully.

"Okay let's go the walk to Ashton's house is a good 15 minutes. And you don't want him fucking another girl before you"

"Shut up. And keep your voice down" I shove her out the door quietly hoping to not wake anyone.


"Wow I'll never get over this house. No matter how many times we party here. It's just amazing"

"Ya I guess it's okay" we've been to so many parties here that it's simply getting old.

There is always the dancing group, the truth or dare group, cards, beer pong, and all these are just poor excuses to get naked and not be called a slut.

They really call this dancing? All they do is sway there bodies and press against each other.

Judging by all the shirtless girls in the living room, this time isn't going to be any different. We just walked in and the smell of pot already filled my lungs.

"Hey I'm going to find Zayn. Meet me here at eleven.... Oh and try to not get laid to fast" she walks off with a wink leaving me alone with all these drunks.

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