Chapter four

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Harry's P. O. V.

"Alright babe, call me" I say to the hot blonde I was just with.

She was hot, but not even I'm that stupid to give her my real number.

I need to find another girl if in planning on enjoying this party. What can I say? Girls just want me and I'm not going to deny them the pleasure.

Unless they're not hot.

And if Ashton called dibs on her before me.

As I'm making my way to the kitchen for a prey, I spot one of the finest asses I've seen in a while.

She has the most beautiful and classy curls falling over her sharp cheekbones.

I walk around to try to get a better look at her face and wow. She is flawless.

Oh and did I mention her ass? Mmm it's fine.

What is she doing? She's just standing there? Really?

She seems so lost but of course I'm not the only guy checking her our from a distance.

"Hey man do you mind?"

I ask to this perv checking her. He's probably five years older than her and I ad here he is checking her out. Pervert ass cunt.

She would be perfect for this. And I know she is going to be able to resist me.

She starts to walk away but I find myself hypnotized by her looks.

But she can't get away.

I start to walk next to her but she doesn't even seem to notice me.

"What's the rush babe?"

I whisper in her ear in the most seductive voice I have.

"Want a drink? Or you know what, how about we take the party upstairs just you and me?"

Wow I'm good.

She turns around to face me and that's the first time I actually get to see her eyes.

They're a dark shade of brown and yet hold so mush light in them.

"No I'm fine, thanks" she starts to walk away from me.


What just happened?

I've never and I mean EVER been rejected.

While i stay behind and recover from that, she only starts getting farther. So I run to catch up. She's not getting away so easily.

"On come on you know you want me" I coo in her ear making sure so make her shiver.

"Fuccckk yooouuu"

"What time baby?" I ask while licking my lips.

Instead of jumping on me like most girls would, she walks away sticking her middle finger up behind her.

"Ohh can it be two, I'm going to be fucking another girl at one"

She probably thinks I'm playing around but no, I'm actually dead serous.

I kinda have a schedule to follow.

I stay in place shocked that I just got rejected. Twice. And from the same girl.

I'm not letting her get away. He'll no, no one turns me down.

I start to run after her but I'm stopped by a scroney yet muscular arm.

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