Chapter 11

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The Creation

Chapter 11-The Last Sacrifice

"Hazel, you know what has to be done. I should have not done this. If we don't stop it, then both of our brains will burn, and we can change many things that can lead to destruction." he explained as he ran after me. But I didn't want to listen. I just wanted to run. I wanted to run as long as possible, until my feet were ready to give up on me. 

I ran across all our adventures. The queen, Ada, and Mrs. Gillyflower, and River Song. 

"Hazel, your mind is going to burn, my mind is going to burn." I could hear the Doctor screaming. He was right. I could already feel it. My mind was burning. I was was as if I was on the A-list on death's victim list of inocents. 

I wondered, how many times did the Doctor have to expirience death? How many times did he have to accept the truth. That everything ends. Nothing is forever. I thought about Rose, and Amelia. Wait, Amelia was still alive, she still had so many adventures to come with the Doctor, but one day she was going to dissapear from the Doctor. Anything could happen to her.

But Rose, she had to drift away from the Doctor, and now, the Doctor was asking me the same thing. 

My body started to ache, as my mind started to hurt. There was way too much power that made possible this dream. 

I wasn't asking the Doctor to stay with me, I was asking him for my freedom, but even so, I was asking for too much! Even if he wanted, he couldn't keep me alive. If he did, he would probably die alogside with me. That would be selfish of me to let him do that. Right?

So i stopped running, leaving the Doctor and I in the middle of a park. I looked around the park and it looked familiar. 

On the far end of the park, I spotted a bench, and two little kids sitting on top of it, eating ice cream. There I was, the little me, and the little boy that was once my friend, but i would never recognize, or see ever again. Maybe he was abducted as well, and maybe he suffered my same fate. Who knows. And if he somehow survived, I hope he lived a long, peaceful, and happy life. Then again, when you encounter aliens in London, who leaves at a state of peace. Especially if you lost you best friend. That I did remember. We were friends, and the best of friends. 


I was starting to remember. We were best friends. His name, his name was Julian. Yes, i remembered his name. He had no parents, and neither did I recall mine. Oh. I remember now. We were both orphans. That day we had escaped because Julian had craved ice cream for a long time. So we ditched the institute, and "borrowed" some money from one of the helpers, and we got ice cream!

"Hazel, you know what happens next." it was the Doctor speaking now. Yes, I knew very well what would happen now. The monsters would come from the sky and take me to oblivion. 

Then, i heard the Doctor groan in pain. Both of his hands were touching his face. His mind was burning, and so was mine. I saw him collapse to the ground, and the people in the park, didn't seem to notice or care. Maybe, we were invisible to them. 

"Doctor, what do i do? I'm sorry. I don't want to die." I rushed towards him, trying to fix things. 

"Hazel, the only way to break the dream now is if we both die. Remember, this is a dream, so it's okay if we do." he explained in between groans.

There was a catch thought, "Then in reality, I'll die for good." I stated. It wasn't a question anymore. Either way, I was going to die, and it was time to accept it. We had to die. 

I wasn't really sure on what I was going to do to kill us.. I had to be quick though as I heard a dozen feet crash into the ground, all in sync. The Cybermen were here and they were going to kill. But they couldn't kill us. They could hurt us, but we were barely even existent in this scene.

So I put my hands on top the the Doctor's head. I could see his memories, so somewhere in there, there was something I needed.

Inside his head, there was so much pain. The Doctor was a very lonely man.

Then, I found just what i needed: Bad Wolf.

"Excuse me." I felt a tap on my shoulder. The Doctor was no longer speaking, he was rather asleep. I looked to see who it was, and standing before me was the one and only Bad Wolf, Rose Tyler. "I believe you want something."

Yes, I wanted the only thing that I could use to kill us off this dream. Rose held out a hand for me, and I took it, immediately, feeling all the power from the time vortex running through my veins. Of course, my head was killing me, but that's exactly what I wanted.

I had one plan. Destroy this world. It wasn't real, so it didn't really matter anyways.

I drifted my hands away from Rose's. I stood up from the ground, Rose, on the other hand, knelled down, and put the Doctor's head over her thighs.

I walked towards the cybermen, who by at this time had already killed people, and abducted two innocent children who just wanted to eat ice cream. I thought to myself, think of this as revenge. Revenge for killing you, for hurting you when you were just a child. I knew I wasn't going to cause them real pain, at least not in real life, but it was equally as satisfactory to me.

Did that make me a bad person?

I had the memory in my head. The day Rose Tyler became the Bad Wolf. What she had done was simple, and she only had one objective in her mind. Save the Doctor.

I held out my hand in front of me, my palm pointing towards a group of cybermen who had stopped in front of me. Now, I was facing my biggest fears.

They looked so strong, and powerful, and I was just...a kid. Who had never grown up. That didn't stop me though.

"You are tiny." I whispered. "You are nothing compared to me." and as if I have had this power for years, I did it. The power started to destroy everything. Everything turned to dust. Everything faded, as the yellow mist dissolved everything at its step, including Rose, and the Doctor. Everything except me.

All the sudden, there was no light, everything was darkness. My head was still killing me. Had it worked? No. I was still inside the dream. I was dying. My head was going to explode.

And it did. My entire body exploded, but not into some gore flesh. Instead, I exploded into dust, leaving a ray of bright sunshine in the dark room.

It had worked. I was dead. I was going to wake up, but face death again.

I had to see my Doctor once last time, just to say goodbye.

Author's Note

Two more chapters left. Honestly, I was going to end the story here, but then I had an idea, for anotheer ending, which I hope you guys like.  After the story is over, I'll be making some important announcements. 

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