Chapter 1

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I was walking home from school with an unlit cigarette in my mouth. My batman hobo bag was full of school books and homework. I turned the corner of my street as I tried to light my cigarette before the torture began. The lit lighter was at the tip when a gust of wind blew it out. FUCK I thought. I sighed and grabbed the box and put it inside it deciding it would be better later for when I need it.

When I looked up I saw the white house that is my house but it isn’t my home. I slowly walked up to the front door and sighed once again. I put my hand on the door handle and slowly turned it and opened the door. The smell of alcohol quickly invaded my nostrils nearly making me lose my lunch. I heard a grunt come from the living room. I froze in my steps and slowly looked there. I smiled in relief that he was snoring away with a bottle of Jack in his hand and 5 more on the floor. I quietly made my way to the kitchen to grab some food, seeing as how if I don’t, I won’t eat for the rest of the night.

Once I grabbed my food, 2 apples and a can of soda, I made my way to my room. I quietly opened my door went in and shut it. Now a days I wish I still had the lock on my door, but he took it off. I hid my food and looked around my room. It wasn’t much. I had a mattress on the floor with a pillow and a blanket. I also had a school desk in the corner with a school chair with it. My walls were painted white. I wanted to change it, but he wouldn’t let me, he wouldn’t even let me put up posters. I had a small burrow that holds my cloths. It was so boring I felt like I was in a straight jacket and is locked up in those white rooms in the hospital for the mentaly insane. In my small closet I have my winter stuff, and a small chest which I kept locked and hid so it couldn’t be found. It held the things I kept dear to me, my ipod and headphones, my sketchbook, my notebook where I kept the songs I write and a picture of me and my mother who did when I was younger. I was never told how she died, but all I knew was that she was dead.

I put my homework on my small desk and started to work on it. I had math, English and science homework. I bit the end of my pencil trying to figure out the answer to the math problem when I heard footsteps come up the stairs. “Hey are you home Suzy?!” he said slurring his words.

I heard the door knob turn on my door as he pushed my door open. I continued working remembering he doesn’t know that I can hear. “Oh ya that’s right. Your deaf bitch! You can’t hear a fucking thing!!!” he shouted and laughed.  

I heard him walk closer to my desk. When he was right behind me, he casted a shadow over my desk so I turned around and fake smiled. I signed to him “Hey daddy”

A look of disgust went across his face. He raised his hand and slapped me hard on my cheek, causing me to fall of my chair and onto my wood floor. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and dragged me to my bed. He pushed me down and pulled my pants and underwear off and raped me, again. When he was done he punched me in my stomach and kicked me. I turned to him with my cheeks wet with tears and my eyes red. A smile grew upon his face as he exited my room, leaving me lying on my bed hurt. But i was greatful, i was greatful because he would usually do worse.

I laid there for more than an hour.  I sighed, got up and went to my door. I slowly opened it and peeked outside my room. Nothing, it was dead silent. I checked the time and date and saw that it was 5pm and it’s Thursday. I smiled because on Thursdays, he leaves to go gamble and get groupies with hookers. I exited my room and went to the bathroom. When I was there, I closed the door, and looked at myself in the big, door mirror.

I am Suzy Rogers. I’m 14, 5’2”, 120 pounds and I live in Glendale California with my father. I have white hair with black and blue streaks in it. I have my ears pierced because my mom had me get them before she died when I was 10. I was born heterochromatic, meaning I have one eye one color, and one eye another. For m I have one brown eye, and one blue eye. I was also born with temporary deafness; well at least I know I was. When I was 5, I was able to hear, I tried to tell my parents, but my dad convinced my mom that I was lying. I know sign language, but because I was able to hear at 5, I was able to learn how to talk as well. I will sometimes talk while also doing sign, and I will always start to talk to someone in sign if I just met them, and if they don’t know sign, then I would talk. But because my father thinks I am deaf and can’t speak, I try to not speak at all when I get home, or respond to him in sign if he says something.

Every day after my mom died, when I came home or even if i am home, I would get beaten. Now that I’m 14, my dad started to rape me as well. My dad would also burn me with his cigarette lighter, wipe me with my stuuded belts or his leather ones, or make me dress in slutty clothes and clean the house.The things he does to me made me start smoking 2 years ago. I know I'm to young to be smoking, but somehow the smoke calms me ater every beating and rape. I couldn’t take the abuse anymore, so I decided to do something that should’ve been done a long time ago. I’m going to pack my things in a small bag, grab some cash, and run away.

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