Chapter 3

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I heard the familiar moans and screams of my dad having drunken sex in the next room.  I debated either to leave or not. If I stayed here, then he might find me but if I leave he might see me go. “God damn it all” I muttered under my breath.  I got up and grabbed my two bags. I refilled them with what originally was in them.  I made my bed and made the room look like I was never there. I made my way to my door and quietly opened it and listened. The 5 guys were still laughing and my dad was still fucking whoever he got tonight. I quietly got out of my room, closed the door, and made my way to the office.

I was at the office and there was the same woman there. I gave her the 50$ it cost for the room for one night and ran out of the store and down the highway I was originally walking down. I took out my iPod so I could have a type of light and I ran, ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I was about 20 feet away from the road, but I still made sure I kept it in sight. I was in the wooded area so I kept tripping over rocks and roots. But every time I fell, I kept running.

. . . .

I was running for about an hour so I decided to rest. I used the dim light from my iPod and searched for something to rest on. I looked for about 4 minutes until I found a huge rock against a tree. I climbed the rock and sat down. I took out one of the water bottles from my bag and drank from it. I chugged it down and it was nearly empty when I remembered I had to have these last, because I had no idea how long I would be like this. I shrugged and drank the rest. I looked up and saw the early signs of the sun rising. The sky was a lighter shade of black; it was actually a dark blue with a hint of purple.

I rested my head on the tree and fell asleep hoping that it will be without interruptions.

(Unknowns POV)

Me and the guys made our way to the motel room for the night. We had 2 days off till we had to go to LA for our final concert and then we might have to get ready for another one that will happen 3 months after this one. When we got to our room, we we all laughing and trying to help a drunken Jake through the door. When we got into the room, we tossed him onto one of the beds and we all sat on our own beds. CC turned on the television and Jinxx went to take a shower. “Hey Andy, The person next door is playing our songs” called Jinxx from the shower.

I turned my head when Jinxx called my name. I listened closely and smiled and called back to Jinxx “Yeah they are! They’re also playing Asking Alexandria!”

That’s right, I’m Andy Biersack and I am the lead singer of Black Veil Brides. Me and the guys were watching whatever the rooms television had to offer. I checked the clock and it said it was 4:12am. I told the guys that we should go to bed and everyone got in their beds and went to sleep. I wasn’t as lucky and I stayed awake trying to go to sleep. I heard a commotion going on in the room next to us and the person running out of their door and to the office. I got a glimpse of who it was by looking out the window. The person had white hair with black and blue streaks in it. The person also had a Metallica band shirt on.  I figured that he or she was in a rush so I just shrugged it off and went to sleep.

(Suzy’s POV)

I woke up and I had no idea what time it is. The sun was about all the way up the sky and the sky was a nice blue. I stretched my arms and yawned. I hoped off the rock and did some stretches.  I decided to go through my stuff to see what I still had. First I emptied my batman hobo bag. In that bag I had my sketchbook, my notebook with songs and poems in it, my red lighter, 4 cigarettes, a picture of my mom, and now 250$ in cash.

I dumped the contents of my other bag down next to the other stuff. In that bag I had a pair of red and turquoise destroyed jeans, an Avenged Sevenfold band shirt, a batman shirt, my black veil brides logo shirt, my Misfits hoodie, Bun Bun, a jar of peanut butter, a spoon,2 apples, 1 can of soda, and now 2 bottles of water.   And on my person I had my headphones, iPod, and my mom’s pocket knife. I sighed at how little I had but it was what I need and it was better than at that house. I smiled at the fact that I was able to save up money for most of this stuff. Some of it was from my mom when she was alive, some I bought from saved money like my iPod, and some were given to me from my friend that moved to LA. I checked the time on my iPod and it said 1:38pm. I put everything in the bags they were in, put the on my shoulders and continued walking, well, running.

I kept following the highway and thought from Glendale to LA takes about an hour by car without stopping. So if I was on foot it would probably take 2 days with stops I think. I kept walking and reading the highway signs for about an hour when my stomach rumbled. I grabbed an apple from my bag and eat it. I was still hungry after wards but I couldn’t waste it. I continued walking until I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw a stray dog and it was huge. It walked closer to me growling. What does it want? I thought. Then I realized that it must smell the food I have on me. I cautiously took my other apple and handed it to the dog. The dog sniffed it and started to eat it.

When he was finished with the apple the dog looked to me again, obviously smelling the peanut butter. I sighed and grabbed the jar and spoon and handed him a spoon full. He quickly lapped it up and started to walk away. When it was out of site I ran the way I was going.

. . . .

I checked the time on my iPod and it said 11:28pm. I sighed and decided I had to find a place to rest, I continued walking forward until I found an abandoned car. I walked over to it and checked to see if there was an animal that was there. Nothing, no animal signs or anything else. I put my stuff in the front seat and I hopped into the back. I shivered from the cold and realized that it was getting colder out. I opened my bag and took out my Misfits hoodie and put it on. I grabbed my extra bag, seeing as how it is bigger and fuller than my hobo bag, and put it under my head for a pillow. I was facing my head to the highway so that way I could read the sign tomorrow because it’s too dark to see now. I put on the song Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold on my iPod and closed my eyes and slept, not caring that my iPod battery might die.

(Next day)

I opened my eyes and checked my iPod to check the batteries. Dead, the fucking batteries are dead. I groaned and put my hoodie back into my bag because it was fucking hot out. I grabbed my water bottle and chugged down half of it. I got out of the car and decided to change my clothes. I switched my black skinnies for my red and my Metallica shirt for my BVB one. I put my old clothes into my bag, my ipod and headphones in my hobo bag, and took out a cigarette and lit it. I closed my eyes and blew out the smoke. I’m down to 3 and I’m not happy about it.

I made my way down the highway and I was at the top of a hill when I saw something that made me fill with joy. I saw a HUGE city and a sign that said “Welcome to Los Angeles” .

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