Chapter 8

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Enjoyyyyyy! ☺️

(Y/N's) POV

     When we arrived back to the camp everyone was asleep but Daryl and I, we decided we would retrieve food and water for Sophia so we could leave tomorrow.

     I found a dusty car and wrote in the dust, it said 'Sophia we've found a place to stay, stay here and we'll come get you.' I wiped the dust off my finger and sat on the car hood with a sigh, Daryl sat next to me.

"Big day tomorrow." I said looking at him, he nodded. I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed again.

"Oh boy Daryl Dixon..." I mumbled shutting my eyes.

"If this place is as glorious as we think, we might finally be able to settle down." I added.

I then fell asleep laying on Daryl's shoulder.

~•~•~•~Next morning•~•~•~•~•~•

     Once everyone was awake in the morning we headed to the farm, I'm excited we'll get to meet new people and possibly find a new place to stay... somewhere safe.

      I smiled as we approached the farm the girl was talking about. Everyone was already outside. We parked our vehicles and was greeted with a smiling Rick and Laurie.

"How is he?" Dale asked referring to Carl who had been shot.

"He's getting better." Laurie said smiling.

"How'd it happen?" Dale asked.

"A hunting accident, just a stupid accident." Rick answered.

     We got introduced to the family that owned the farm, there was Hershel, Shawn, Maggie. Beth and Otis's wife and Otis.

     Shane then told us about how him and a man named Otis had to retrieve medical products to save Carl, and he told us how Otis unfortunately didn't make it. Hershel and his family was devastated.

     We all piled up rocks and his family and Shane said a few words to honor him. After the funeral for Otis, we mapped out where we would search for Sophia next. Daryl decided to go alone to search by the creek meaning I would stay here and help around the farm.

"If we search, we can't be sending our people out with just knives we need the guns." Shane said looking at Rick.

"I would prefer if you didn't carry around guns on our property." Hershel said

"With all due respect sir-." Shane was in the midst of a sentence but got cut off by Rick.

"We're guests here, this is your property and we will respect that." Rick said pulling out his gun and waiting for Shane to as well and he did.

Then we discussed what we would do if we found Sophia but I zoned out halfway through and saw myself to the wells to fetch water for everyone. While pumping the water I heard groaning coming from the well and I went to take a look at it. In the Well was a giant walker, I called everyone here and we thought up a plan to get it out.

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