Chapter 13

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     The next morning Daryl and I never talked, we didn't even make eye contact, there was a lot of tension which wasn't good because we were about to clear out a prison together.

"stay in the circle, do not leave it or someone could get killed." Rick said grabbing weapons for everyone, he grabbed some ammo in case something went bad. We all entered the gate we were clearing out and Hershel shut it behind us.

     Daryl, Rick, Glenn, Maggie, T-Dog and I began clearing out the yard, and we were doing a good job at it. It was going smoothly until we got to a basketball court/ workout area, it was overrun with walkers.

     We didn't have enough time to think up a plan so we shut the gate closest to us so more walkers wouldn't file out, we took out the ones who were already loose... Just when we thought we were done, some walkers with armor emerged from behind a trash can.

     Daryl tried shooting them but his arrow just bounced off it's  helmet, we tried our best to push them away and tackle them but it didn't last long. Maggie however stabbed it from its neck.

"Did you see that!" She said with a proud smile.

     We mimicked what she did and took out the walkers...After a moment of catching our breath we found that this didn't satisfy Rick.

"We can't risk a blind spot." Rick said then paused.

"We have to push in more." He continued and everyone sighed but we pushed back more.

     We cleared cell block C which was an easy fight - easier than we thought-  because it only consisted of two walkers and then we invited everyone in. We picked out our cells and settled down for a bit.

     I fell asleep but the nap was short because I got woken up by Rick who said we were gonna clear out the halls. I groaned but woke up and helped .

     We went through the halls looking around making sure to leave tracks with spray paint but we didn't see anything until we turned a corner, there was a group of walkers and they began to run at us.

     We hid in a room just to find out we lost Maggie and Glenn. Hershel insisted that we go back to look for them and we did, we got out of the room and we looked around.

     After only moment of looking we heard Hershel yelling, we turn the corner and see that he had gotten bit. Maggie and Glenn heard this and met up with us.

     Rick killed the walker that had bit Hershel and then we helped him up and began to run away from the walkers who had also heard Hershel's scream. We found a room and entered it, Daryl and I held the door shut so walkers wouldn't get in.

     In order to save Hershel we had to cut off part of his leg, I looked away and Rick began chopping at it. I felt terrible for Hershel but it's the only way to save him. Hershel had passed out from the pain and we all tried to help with the bleeding.

"Duck." We heard Daryl say out of nowhere and we ducked. Daryl stood up and pointed his bow at a group of prisoners that had been watching.

"Holy shit." One of them said, they all put their hands up.

"He's bleeding out we gotta go." I said frantically putting pressure on his knee.

"Come on out, slow and steady." Daryl commanded with his bow still held up and the prisoners obeyed and examined the scene more.

"What happened to him?" One of them said.

"He got bit." Daryl said simply, with that the prisoner held up a gun. Glenn went looking for medical supplies.

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