Thought abotu this for a while

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this has been on my mind for a while, but since I suck at writing so take these bullet points

LoNg ChApTeR wArNiNg
And no art so if you are in it for the art, feel free to skip.

*Nate's all by himself in the house, chillin with his cat. Dont judge

*Hes been feeling sick all day, so he called in for work.

*Hes been getting heart burns all day and his neck and chest hurt. Hes been feeling nauseous and dizzy occasionally too.

*goes into kitchen, but bAM the pain worsens

*he starts to get clammy, and lightheaded

*he feels like a boulder is on his chest and like he ran a marathon. His left arm is fucking dying

*Anxiety kicks in and hits him like a train. Why does he feel so anxious???
*He immediately thinks of Axel. Hes a nurse. He probably knows whats happening, right???

*As soon as he looks around for his phone, his lightheadedness fucktuples and he has to hold onto the counter to steady himself

*he feels like hes having a panic attack, he feels so anxious and nervous and his fucking chest hurts SO bad

*he starts getting worried, I'm not gonna die. Am I?? Its just a stupid health thing right??

*then it hits him, hes having a heart attack. He CaN dIE from this

*He cant think straight now, his chest and arm are hurting so much and hes dizzy af and hes anxious af

*Hes so scared that he'll never see his son or husband again

*The door opens, and its Leo.

*Hey dad, I just got a taxi from the airport so you didnt have to pick me up and-

*He never finishes that sentence as he realizes his dad is in pain. He doesnt think its serious at first, but Nate looks at him, eyes wide and tears rolling down his cheeks.

*Leo immediately dials 911 as Nate mouths heart attack

*Leo is panicking because he doesnt know what the fuck to do. He doesnt even realize hes crying, hes never seen his dad so fucking terrified.

*they tell him to stay calm and on the line.

*But Leo wants to call his other dad so badly. Tell him to meet them, but he cant. He wants to call Axel, tell him that his best friend/ brother is dying. Fuck, he even wants to call his tias and tio, even though they haven't really been a part of his life, they deserve to know.

*He looks at his dad and regrets it, hes on the floor now

*Leo's at his side in .02344 seconds, babbling pleas. Hes doing something hes never had to do in his life before, hes holding his cross necklace tight and praying.

*Leo's sobbing, he's desperate, hes begging, pleading.

*he feels a hand at his shoulder, and sees Nate giving a strained smile.

*his dad gives a small I love you

*before he comprehends it, the paramedics are at the door taking his dad away.

*Leo follows them to the hospital and calls both Ryan and Axel. He calms down first, trying to even his breaths, but the hiccups are still there and his eyes are still puffy, his nose is still red.

*Ryan first. He thinks it's a joke first. "Stop screwing with me Leo, that's not funny."
"Dad, no. It's-it's not a joke. He was dying. I-I saw him. He was so fucking scared, he was crying dad." Leo starts crying again cuz the image is ingrained in his head
He hears crying
"Leo, I swear to god I will make your life living hell if you're lying."
He hears a quiet "please say youre lying" before responding
"Dad, no. I wish I was. I wish I really was. They're taking him to *insert hospital name*Please meet us there."

*They hang up with a I love you and Leo dials Axel.

*its even worse.

*Axel is in denial worse than Ryan. He even laughs at when Leo says that Nate was crying.

*"you wouldve got me kid if you didnt say that. Nate doesnt cry man, he hardly ever does. And a heart attack man? That's too simple."

*Leo gets pissed off. He starts yelling at Axel in Spanish. He starts cursing and even rolls down the windows so Axel can hear the ambulance

*I'm not fucking joking around about this shit Maguire! It's my goddamn dad! The best fucking person in your damned life asides from Berlynn and Seamus! I know I can be an asshole at times and joke around but this is serious! Nataniel Mercedes Ayala-Saywell is dying from a fucking heart attack and youre too much of a fucking chicken to admit it to yourself! Man the fuck up Maguire and meet us at the hospital.

*Axel is quiet then he hangs up.

*Leo follows them in the hospital but gets caught up looking for parking

*He goes in and is forced to wait.

*He impatiently wait for Ryan and or Axel.

*Axel is first to arrive and he looks like hes been crying too. Seamus and Berlynn are right behind him.

*Axel and Leo hug and they apologize to each other. (Berlynn is the non biological aunt of Leo. Axel is basically Leo's not biological Uncle, Nate and Ryan are basically Seamus' non biological uncle. And berlynn has a brotherly relationship with Ryan and Nate. )

*Now they both wait, making small talk for another 10 or so minutes.

*Ryan comes in, same thing with Axel happens. Crying, hugs, and waiting.

*The gang loses track of time as they wait. But a nurse comes eventually to tell them that they can see him

*Nate is awake when the gang sees him, but hes really tired.

*He greets them with a warm smile. Like he didnt just almost die.

*Axel is first to get to him, he slaps him, nurse eye him warily but let it slide.

*You fucking bastard, you cant just die on us. You're not allowed to do that." Axel says half jokingly.

*Nate gives a laugh, "I'll try next time not to die."

*Leo fucking pounces on his dad, crying. Nate holds him tight.

*I'm sorry you had to see that. Nate says quietly. "I'm glad I did, because if I hadn't been there. God. I dont want to think about it." "You dont have to, I'm here. I'm alright Leo."

*Next is Ryan whose a little upset Axel beat him to hold Nate first.

*Ryan hugs him, "Axels right you know. You're not allowed to die on me. I was so scared."
"Heh. You were scared? I was the one dying. I thought I wouldn't see you guys again. My family, gone."
Ryan held him a bit tighter. Nate wasnt sure if it was to reassure him or to reassure himself

*then Seamus and Berlynn. The give him hugs and tell him that they love him.

*Nates out of the hospital later, but Axel, Ryan, and Leo, watch him like a hawk.

*Nates not sure who's more paranoid

*When Nate finally escapes to his room to take a nap, he wakes up to find Axel and Ryan on both sides. And Leo laying down at the edge of the bed.

*And ye das it

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