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~the next day~

Rex's POV

i walked in the school, holding hands with Josh. he scooted closer to me and gave a gentle kiss on my cheek. i blushed.

"we gotta keep it lowkey, babe. we'll tell them at lunch, got it?" i raised an eyebrow.

"i know, i love you" Josh said, making me blush.

we stopped at the top of the stairs and faced each other. we leaned in and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips, i kissed back.

"love you, Joshy" i said. Josh rolled his eyes.

"don't call me that" Josh said bluntly.

"fine, JOCH" i said, running off into school.

Cait's POV

i walked inside the school, looking everywhere for Corbyn. i saw Jonah and Daniel talking by their lockers. i decided to go ask them.

"hey guys" i waved.

"hey, Cait, goodmorning" Jonah replied.

"what's up?" Daniel asked, leaning against his locker, his arms crossed.

"did you guys see Corbyn?" i asked. Jonah and Daniel looked at each other.

"last time we saw him was last night, us guys had a little get together to talk about our first day and how it went, then Corbyn went home and that's all we've seen of him. he didn't get on this bus today either" Jonah said. i frowned.

"maybe he's sick?" Daniel suggested.

"yeah, or else his mom might be dropping him off" Jonah added.

"i really hope he's okay" i said, looking down.

"don't worry, he's fine" they reassured me, making me smile.

just then i saw Corbyn walking in with Brendon. what would they be doing with each other, especially after him and Britt broke up?

"Corbyn!" i shouted at him. he saw me and walked over to me with Brendon following.

"hey, babe, missed you" he said, pulling me in for a hug.

"where were you?" i questioned him.

"well i missed my bus, so Brendon said he could drive me to school, since he just got his drivers license" Corbyn said.

"oh, okay" i said.

"well, i gotta go to first block with Brendon, catch you later, babe" he said, giving me a quick kiss.

that's weird. why are Corbyn and Brendon all of a sudden buddies?

Zach's POV

i walked into the drab building, looking for my buds. just then, i saw my worst enemy, Luke. he came walking over to me, i tensed up.

"hey, bitch!" Luke yelled at me.

"m-me?" i asked, stuttering out of pure fear.

"yeah you! you stole my girl!" Luke yelled, getting super close to me.

"well you shouldn't have c-cheated" i replied, instantly regretting it. he grabbed my shirt and held me up.

"you have no idea who you're messing with, bucko. this is gonna be the worst year of your life" he yelled in my face. i tried everything to get down. suddenly, i fell to the ground, with a screaming Luke, holding his balls. i look up to see who kicked him in the nuts and it was Tyler.

"t-thanks, Tyler" i said.

"no problamo" he replied, reaching out his hand. i grabbed his hand and he helped me up.

"after all, i did that a lot back at Josh and i's old school" he added. my eyes went wide.

"why?" i asked.

"let's just say Josh got bullied bad" he replied bluntly. Luke was long gone into the restrooms.

~time skip to lunch~

Tyler's POV

i was walking to lunch, and i wondered why i haven't seen Brittany at all today. i hope she was okay. i spotted Josh and Rex holding hands by her locker. WHAT?! i walked over to them.

"hey Josh, hey Rex" i greeted. they jumped.

"Tyler! um-" Josh started.

"you didn't see-" Rex started.

"yes i did, but i think it's cute!" i replied. they sighed in relief.

"thank god you approve" Josh said.

"well of course i do," i started, "by the way, have you guys seen Brittany today?" i finished.

"no, actually. i just noticed, i was wondering why it was so boring today" Rex said.

"i hope she's okay, i don't have her number to text her sadly" i frowned looking, at the ground.

"i could totally give you her number!" Rex said. my eyes went wide and a smile crept onto my face.

"really?" i asked excitedly.

"yeah, give me your phone" she said, holding out her hand. i reached to grab my phone from my pocket and handed it to her. she typed in her number and handed it back.

"thanks!" i said.

Zach's POV

i walked into the lunch room looking for my crew. they were no where in sight. today has been such a weird day. i saw Tyler walking past the doorway of the cafeteria and decided to run off and catch up with him.

"Tyler!" i yelled. he turned around and smiled at me.

"what's up?" he asked.

"well none of the crew is in the cafeteria, do you know anything?" i asked.

"really? no i don't, i'm texting Brittany right now because she isn't here" he replied.

"i knew someone was missing. today's such an off day" i said, looking down the hall way.

"yeah, true. and Brittany isn't answering my texts" he said, putting his head down.

"hey, i'm sure she's fine. i'll text her as well" i assured him.

"thanks" he replied, walking off trying to contact Brittany. what a cute couple. i walked back into the cafeteria and saw Erin. okay, Zach, play it cool, just be yourself, like Brittany said. i walked up to her and sat across from her. she looked up at me.

"what's up?" i said in my cool dude voice.

"hey" she smiled at me.

"how's your day?" i asked.

"it's alright i guess, but today just seems... weird" she thought for a second. i nodded in agreement.

"yeah, i agree" i replied. just then i saw Jonah, Daniel, Jack, Corbyn, Cait, Josh, and Rex walk in. they all sat down next to us.

"at least the squad is here now, only missing two people" i said.

"yeah, those two people happen to be those lovebirds known as Tyler and Brittany" Jack said, winking. we all laughed.

"guys, we have something to announce to you all, Tyler already found out" Rex started, standing up with Josh by her side.

"Rex and i are a couple" Josh said. the whole table cheered and clapped.

"i knew it!" Daniel jumped up and down in excitement, Jonah pushed him down in his seat, making everyone at the table laugh.

"i'm so happy for you guys!" i said.

"look at my Rexypoo all grown up" Erin said, wiping a tear from her eye. i grabbed her hands and held onto them, giving her a reassuring smile.

"thanks guys, i'm glad you approve of us" Rex said.

"well of course! you both are such cool people!" Corbyn stated.

"now when is Zach and Erin going to announce their relationship?" Jack asked, smirking at me.

"shut up" i rolled my eyes. everyone started laughing.

*to be continued*

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