The Coffee

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"Thank you,"
He grabbed his coffee and ran his fingers through his perfect hair. The sun shone through the window of the local coffee shop. He took a sip but the cup was immediately met with squinted eyes and narrowed brows as he realized something was off. Glancing at the woman behind him he realized he received the wrong order.

"Excuse me, sorry"
He gently tapped her shoulder and she turned to look at him.
She met his eyes and instantly felt her stomach twirl. She recognized him. Her eyes lit up and a nervous smile spread across her face.
He noticed her nervousness causing him to smile back. He felt warm inside when their eyes met again. His words had flown away and he had to take a second to catch them again.

"Uh...I think are orders got mixed up," he finally said with a nod.
She bit her lip out of habit and glanced at her cup. She let out a little laugh and looked at her feet.
"Sorry I might have already took a sip," Her voice was sweet and you could only slightly tell that she was meeting her childhood crush.
He joined her in laughter.
"Well, this is un except-able," He spoke firmly but with soft eyes and serious brows. He let out a little smile to meet her eyes again.
She giggled as her heart began to scream. He was exactly the same catch as he was on tv. She felt as if she was in a dream.
"Ok mr. big shot, let me get you your coffee," The words came to her mouth so naturally she was so happy with herself. Talking to him felt as if she knew him forever. Well, I guess she did, they just never really met.
"Excuse me, I think our orders were mixed up, would you mind getting him a-" She paused reading the cup.
"Black coffee with cream, no sugar" He cut in.
She glanced at him, surprised by his order.
"Thank you," She chirped to the boy behind the counter.
She turned back to her crush who she still couldn't believe was standing right next to her.
"Well, I guess I have a free coffee now," She raised her eyebrows and took a sip. She then coughed and stuck out her tongue.
"Blech. I forgot that I really don't like black coffee." She set the mug down.
He laughed and handed her the cup that was still in his hand.
"Warning, I took a sip from this one also," He smirked at her.
"I'm not as picky as some people," she stuck up her chin and switched the lids of the two cups. She took a one more sip and rolled her eyes up at the ceiling.
"Ugh, so much better."
She noticed that he was staring at her and she smiled back.
"Um, here's your coffee, I'm so sorry about the mix up," The boy behind the counter handed them the cup.
"So, um where are you headed?" She spat out, way too fast.
He looked out window and lifted his cup. "I don't really know yet, I haven't really been to this city before."
"Oh really, what are you visiting for?" She adjusted her arms not sure really where to put them, hoping she doesn't look like an idiot.
"Ah, an old friend is thinking about moving here, so I came with him. Kinda just needed a break from work." He looked down at her again and her heart let out another flutter.
"I actually grew up like if you need anyone-" her words got softer hoping she didn't say too much, or come off too strong. "-too show you around." Her eyes were wide and that nervous smile was back.
"That would be awesome, yeah I could really use that." He scrunched his eyebrows and nodded at her, taking another sip.
"Oh, I'm Luna by the way" she put out her hand.
"Cole. Sprouse," He reached out and shook her hand and she immediately melted on the inside. Her heart was beating so fast as she was trying to hide her inner fan girl.
"Im not doing anything right now, I could show you some of downtown if you want," She smiled again, this time showing more teeth, and raised her eyebrows with hope.
"I would love that." He broke their eye contact to look down at his feet as they walked towards the door.

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