Cavalry Battles are Terrifying

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You know, I'm so done.

My entire life I've been told. I'm just useless, someone that could be easily replaced with anything better.

I can't use my quirk with any proficiency, I have no will to talk back, I'm scared of risks.

I'm not going to blame my father too much for this, it's my fault I can't push myself, but I will say, he ruined my life.

Scared of taking chances, scared of people, scared of confrontation, heck, scared of what I can do to people in terms of power.

I know for a fact that my quirk is versatile, adaptable. But I'm scared. Too scared to release it's full potential.

People like me don't deserve such power.

I know damn well I could've have been so much stronger, so much more confident, if only I hadn't listened to what people said.

And now I'm stuck like this.

I don't want to let him down, let them down.

Izuku, he deserves it. Power that doesn't hurt him in such a way only five minutes into battle.

The boy I like.

My heart's pounding at the very thought of the next round- the cavalry battle.

I'm not the only one with this responsibility, thank God, if He even bothers to think of me, that is. But I feel like my teammates, Tokoyami, Hatsume, Izuku. They're all stronger than me. I don't know Hatsume's quirk, but she's incredibly creative, that I can tell only by her gadgets.
Tokoyami, he mostly keeps to himself, but I've seen his quirk a few times, and it's incredible.

Ah, I only feel my stomach dropping to floor.

So why the hell am I here?!

I tried out for U.A. because I wanted to be a hero, I didn't want anyone to suffer, I wanted to help save people from that. I never would have thought I'd end up in this school, with all of these incredible people, with all of these amazing opportunities.

Tokoyami is up front, and I'm at the back, helping with blind spots. Hatsume is right beside me, and we're occupying her gadgets, and I guess that's fair since the ones in the support course are allowed to use them during the festival.

I'm not sure I can do this.

It's okay, [Name], you can totally do this, just stay calm, and focus. Don't think about your newly found crush, don't think of your father, just don't let your team down!

Oh shit no wait this is being broadcasted everywhere, ahh, don't panic!!

"Start!" Midnight cries, cracking that oh-so intimidating whip of hers.

And I swear, almost as soon as those words leave her lips, multiple teams scramble to reach us first.

Well, the ten million.

"It's your call, Midoriya!" Tokoyami calls, and he responds with "Obviously, to run away!"

Then we try to scurry away from the two teams, most notably that one silver haired guy from earlier.

But then someone yells "We won't let you!" A group of Class B students.

One of them uses their quirk to mess with the ground, making is soft and squishy---like quicksand.

"Hatsume, cover your face, and [Name] take cover but use your quirk to help us go faster!" Izuku quickly shouts orders.

He's a good leader, too.

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