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"My little Princess"

That was what I was to my father, his little princess it didn't matter I was 18 and had a mind of my own, I was his little girl, his pride and joy and if anyone was to even look at me funny he would have them hung in front of the whole city, he was the boss and what he says goes.

I didn't mind who my father was and what he did for a living but I did mind the way I was treated because of it.

Daddies little princess was treated like an ancient artefact that was fragile and could break at any minute, handled with such care and precision, my days planned and mapped out before I could breath, that was the price of being the biggest mafia boss's little princess.

Most week days I spent my time studying from home with private tutors, I was to take my fathers place one day and he wanted me to be the smartest the best and the quickest, I was taught business and fiance from a young age, I was also taught self defence and other means of violence, by the age of 5 I had mastered how to fire a gun and hit my target.

Today was no exception from my studies, I sat in our oversized library reading a textbook my tutor had left me from our morning session, the words bored me half to death and I found myself finding it difficult to keep my eyes on the page.

After what felt like a lifetime of forced reading my attention was drawn to a soft knock from the large door that led out into the main entry of the house, looking up from my book my eyes met with my personal maid, her small frame bent of in a polite bow.

"My lady, your father has requested you to attend the meeting in his study immediately" my maids voice was soft and calming, she had been working for my father for 3 years now and in that time we had become good friends, she would sneak me in late at night if I ever stayed out or even help me sneak out at times, she was like my very own safety blanket in this hell of a house I lived in.

After and small exchange between us I rushed off down the hallway towards my fathers private study, I slowed down once I turned the corner of the hallway of his study two large men stood guarding the door, I knew them to be my fathers personal bodyguards, I had barely spoken to them in all the years they had protected him, I had no reason to.

They both bowed their heads to me, a sign of respect, I entered my fathers study paying no attention to either of them, my bare feet immediately sinking into the soft fluffy carpet, my lips turned up in a smile as my eyes looked down at my now happy warmed up feet, paying no attention to the eyes that had been waiting for me eagerly.

"Princess, I've called you here to meet these new arrivals" my fathers low commanding voice made me lift my head, but my eyes did not manage to meet my fathers, instead they devoured the several other eyes that stared at me intense obedience.

Stood before me was three very dangerously handsome men, all wearing wonderfully tailored suits that fit their bodies perfectly, they stood in a perfect row their arms behind their backs chest slightly puffed out.

"Its is a pleasure to meet you" The words slipped from my mouth without my realising until all three men bowed in perfect union.

My father stood and walked over to one of the suited males with Blonde hair and beautiful half moon eyes "This is Park Jimin" I bowed my head to the man as my father walked to the second male who stood a little taller than the first "This is Kim Taehyung" I bowed my head again my eyes coming back to the third male.

The third male was tallest out of all three males, his shoulders broad his muscular body was evident in his tight fitted suit, his soft golden skin almost glowing from the contrast of his white shirt,  I could see the slightest outline of a tattoo creeping from his shirt on his neck. 

His brown eyes baring no sign of emotion which made me feel slightly uncomfortable, he stared at me like I was nothing like I was just a rock in front of him, of no importance.

"This is Jeon Jongkook, starting today these three men will be at your side permanently, you will be guarded 24/7" My fathers words didn't seem to register at first, but after a moment of glancing at each beautiful face of the males I snapped into...

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"This is Jeon Jongkook, starting today these three men will be at your side permanently, you will be guarded 24/7" My fathers words didn't seem to register at first, but after a moment of glancing at each beautiful face of the males I snapped into reality ready to put up a protest, but I  was stopped before a word was able to leave my lips by my fathers commanding and overpowering voice.

"I will not hear any of your childish protests princess, they will protect you and become your shadows so get used to them quickly" I closed my half opened mouth and glared at each of them, they didn't seem that bothered by my stare they stood emotionless and still waiting for my fathers orders, they looked like well behaved dogs who had be trained to perfection it only fuelled my annoyance just a little bit more.

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