Chapter 2

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"Well hurry up then," Alaska said getting off the vintage vanity bench. "We've got a party to get ready for!"

"I'm more ready than you are Alaska." Asia frowned at her sister who was still walking around the house in her pair of matching linger.

"Dresses take less time to put on. I just have to slip in on and then I'm ready! You took more time than me when it comes to picking out an outfit." Alaska stuck out her tongue and took off towards the bathroom.

Asia followed behind and the girls entered the double bathroom they shared. It stood at the top of the stairs with the girls' bedrooms on either side. Asia's was on the left and Alaska's to the right.

"What are you doing to your hair?" Asia questioned as she plugged her straightener in.

Alaska set up her curling iron and raised it up to her sister. "I think I'm going to curl it. What are you going to do?" While Alaska waited for it to hear up, she applied her makeup: heavy black eyeliner coming out slightly and jetting out at the end, and a smokey eye shadow in a purple and blue pallet.

"Straighten it. You said that we didn't have much time until Noelle would pick us up. Besides, it's easier and I don't want to have to look like you," Asia replied as she picked up her straightener and ran it through her frizzy red layers.

"Noelle can such it and wait for me if she has to. She's never on time anyway."

Forty minutes later both girls emerged from the bathroom fully ready for their party when the house phone rang.

"I'll get it," Asia announced and ran towards Alaska's bedroom. Just as she left her bathroom she heard her twin yell to put the phone on speaker.

She reached for the phone on the eighth ring and answered, "Hello. This is Asia speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hey Asia. It's Noelle. I can't come tonight. My parents just grounded me last minute." Asia frowned, forgetting that Noelle couldn't see, but Alaska walked in and saw the gloomy expression cross over her twin.

"You should be glad that I answered the phone instead of Alaska then. She would be yelling at you right now. Next time, try not to get in trouble before a party," Asia sighed. "We'll see you Monday then." Asia hung up the phone and turned to a seething red head.

"She's not coming is she?" Alaska questioned leaning back against the dark purple doorframe of her light purple bedroom. "What the hell did she do now?"

"No, she said that her parents grounded her, but she wouldn't tell me why."

"That's insanely lame. Why can't she sneak out? She used to do it all the time. How are we going to get to the party?" Alaska groaned and started to sink down until she was seated on top of the plush carpet of her room. 

"I don't know, but I'll try to see if anyone can pick us up," Asia sighed.

"Oh! I know!" She jumped up causing Asia to raise an eyebrow. "Dad! He can drive us when he gets home from work! He should be home any time, right?" 

 Asia tensed as her head began to whirl with thoughts and visions of the bloody clothes flashed before her eyes. But they were quickly replaced with images of all of the times she spent with her father. "Yeah. He should be." She said quietly.

In a matter of a few seconds the twins heard the front door creak open. The sound of a tired voice announces his presence indicated that their father just arrived home.

"Finally," Alaska cried out, jumping from her spot and running all the way downstairs. "Daddy, can you do us a really big favor?" Alaska asked once she hugged her father and looked at him with wide eyes.

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