|| Chapter Eight: Dean ||

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"Dude, no!" Sam exclaims, glaring at me.

"Dude, YES!!" I counter, zooming in and out of the picture pulled up on the tablet.

"Guys." Cas mutters, pointing at Isa in his lap. "Shes moving. What do I do. Why is she on me." He asks, his cheeks flushing bright red and looking anywhere but at Isa. I remind myself to ask him about his obvious attraction later.

"Im up, Im up. Customarily, Cas, you accept your role as pillow and do some deep thinking until Im done sleeping." Isa groans. "What are you idiots fighting about?" She asks.

"Dean wants to dye-" Sam starts

"Shut up Sammy its a pretty col-" Dean interrupts

"And then the bleach will KILL-" Sam continues, unphased.

"And the dye smells like GRAPES and who doesnt lo-"

"And the chemicals are just SO BAD and you really shouldnt-"

"Boys come o- seriousl- boYS I SWEAR TO- AAAAAHHHHH" Isa gives up and just stands up, yelling a steady, monotonous note over us until we quiet down. "Jesus, You'd think I was the grown up here." She scolds, Cas just staring in disbelief at our methods of arguing.

"Bobby thought we should change your look in case Dad comes. I wanna dye your hair blue. Cause blue is pretty and I like it" I say sheepishly.

"But the chemicals and hair should be heal-" Sam tries to argue.

"If I let you cut it, will you stop whining, dipshit?" Isa asks. Sam smiles widely and nods his head. "Fine. Sam, you cut, Dean colours. Should we go get the dye?" Isa ask.

"Nope." I shake my head. "Already got it!" I reach into a bag and pull out boxes of hair dye, smiling proudly at myself.

"Alright, then lets get started." She squeals.

*Isa's P.O.V for the rest.*

"The bleach should be ready now." Dean calls. I hear the water start and I walk into the bathroom, sitting on Deans lap facing him and leaning my head back into the tub. He tests the temperature before beginning to carefully rinse out the bleach, taking care to keep my eyes protected.

"Do you think Dad is really going to come after me, Dean?" I worry.

"I dont know, baby girl. Lets forget about him for now and just have a nice night." He sighs. He leans forward, meticulously massaging the water thru all my hair.

"Okay, youre done." He instructs. "Sammy, time to chop it off!" He calls. He smiles at me and walks out.


I cringe as the scissors slide thru my long hair. I spent a lot of time growing it out, and hes cutting it so short.

"Sammyyyy I like my hair." I pout.

"I know kid, but its gotta go." He apologizes.

"Only if youll change your hair too." I demand, crossing my arms. Sam steps back.

'Hell no. I am glorious." He snaps. I point at my pile of hair on the ground. "Fine. But if its too drastic I can say no." He concedes. I excitedly grab the bleach and apply some to a strip of hair behind his ear, pinning the rest back. He cringes. I slip in the contacts Sam picked out, turning my bright green eyes into harsh, strikingly pale blue eyes and slide in the nose and lip ring that I'd kept removed around Dad.

"Ugh. Your hair is done. Go look."

I stand up and gasp when I look in the mirror. I turn my head side to side, admiring the boys work.

"Damn boys. When did you become hairdressers?" I tease.

"Shut up." Sam mutters.

I rinse the bleach out of Sams hair and dye it a bright electric blue

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I rinse the bleach out of Sams hair and dye it a bright electric blue. Sam whines and groans until I hand him a mirror.

"It looks GREAT. I AM A GOD." I yell excitedly, getting Dean's attention.

"I promise you're not a God, if anything you'd be a- whoa." Dean starts, stopping when he sees me. His mouth falls open when he sees Sam in front of the mirror, smiling fondly at the strip of blue in his hair.

"We match and I actually dont hate it!" He says happily, showing Dean.

"Isa, I'd love to appreciate your stunning persuasive skills" Dean clears his throat. "But we have a hunt."

*AN: I just wanted a fluffy chapter of the boys being cute and doing fun stuff. Fluff is nice, okay.*

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