Types Of Destiel Kisses

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Found on Archiveofourown by BeanieJedi33

Cas was sitting on his laptop, searching the internet, mindlessly, when he came across an article called "International Kissing Day." He clicked on it, because why not. He scrolled through pictures of many couples, of a variety of genders, kissing, celebrating the day. One particular picture had a dark-haired man kissing a dirty blonde man, which reminded Cas of him and Dean. Oh, how he longed to kiss that green-eyed hunter. Feel his lips against Dean's. Run his fingers through Dean's hair as they made out, his tongue inside Dean's mouth and-

"Hey, Cas, watcha reading?" Sam asked, interrupting Cas from his little fantasy.

"Oh, uh," Cas blushed red, flustered from Sam coming in, while he was fantasizing about making out with Dean.

Sam walked over and saw the article Cas was reading. He noticed the title, and then noticed the couple Cas was looking at, that had a striking resemblance to Cas and his older brother. Oh

"Hey, uh, Cas, have you considered telling Dean how you feel?"

"Sam, what? I uh- I don't, um," Cas struggled to find the words.

Sam gave Cas a bitch face, "C'mon, Cas. Don't give me that. I know you have feelings for my brother. I know you love him,"

"Of course I do, but I love you, too, Sam,"

"Yeah, but not like you love Dean. I see the way you look at him, Cas. I know that look, because it's the same one I had with Jess, and then with Eileen. And it's the same one Dean gives you,"

"But, Sam-"

"No, Cas. No buts. I'm tired of you and Dean just staring at each other and not doing anything about your feelings. We don't often get good things, but you two have a chance to have something great with each other. Don't pass that up, Cas. I know my brother isn't gonna make the first move. He doesn't think he deserves you, which is dumb. You both just deserve to be happy, together. So, please, just do something. Okay?"

Cas stood up from the table and gave Sam a hug, "Thank you, Sam," Cas said, before leaving to go see Dean.

Cas knocked on Dean's door.

"Come in," Dean said.

"Oh, hey, Cas," Dean said, as Cas entered.

"Hey, Dean,"

"Something on your mind, Cas?"

"Actually, yes, I, uh," Cas cleared his throat before continuing, "I wanted to talk to you about something,"

Dean got off his bed and walked over to Cas, "Talk to me,"

"Dean, we've known each other for ten years. And over that time, I've developed feelings for you. Um, romantic feelings. I've often thought about kissing you and doings things with you. I don't think those things about Sam. I realize now, that it means I love you, a lot, Dean. I would like something more with you, Dean,"

During Cas' confession, Dean had moved towards, Cas and was now inches from Cas' face.

"Cas, I love you, too. I've known for a few years how I felt about you, but I was always too scared to say something and didn't think I deserved you," Dean confessed.

"You deserve good things, Dean," Cas said, before brushing his lips up against Dean's.

As soon as Dean felt Cas' lips on his, he began kissing back, moving his lips against Cas'. Dean's hands made their way into Cas' hair and grabbed on tightly. Cas pushed Dean back towards the bed, until Dean fell backwards on it, and they broke apart. Cas immediately climbed on top of Dean and began kissing him again. His tongue pushed up against Dean's lips and Dean's mouth opened up, letting Cas in.

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