I'm Proud Of You

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Found on Archiveofourown by BeanieJedi33

Misha landed at the airport and pulled out his phone to text Jensen that he'd landed. While Misha was in Japan, Jensen text him saying he'd missed him, and they hadn't had a chance to hang out on their break so far, and it was almost over. Misha really wanted to spend some quality time with Jensen, but he was just so busy. Meeting fans, working on GISH, working on helping with all the things that were going on with the world, he'd barely had time to spend it with any friends or family. Misha knew he wanted to prioritize spending time with family with his remaining time he had left over break. He would fly to San Diego after Japan for a rally, but after that, he'd fly to Austin, Texas to spend some much-needed time with Jensen.

Jensen knew Misha was busy. He'd been traveling across the world to meet fans, and he was also busy with so many of his projects, helping so many people. Jensen was so damn proud of him. Misha was special. Someone who was truly remarkable and really cared about making the world a better place, as cheesy as that sounded. Jensen considered himself truly lucky to not only know a person like Misha, but also be friends with him. Sometimes he felt like Misha was more than a friend. The longer he'd been around Misha and Jared, the longer he knew his love for them was different. He loved them both, but he loved Jared like a brother. Misha was something different. Something more. More romantic. He had recently told Danneel about these feelings. She told him she was okay with it. She knew how much Misha meant to him, and she loved him too. Danneel gave Jensen permission to take things a step further with Misha, if they were both interested. Jensen didn't know if he wanted to make that step just yet. He just wanted to spend a little bit of down time with the man who meant so much to him and had changed him forever.

Jensen was sitting on his couch, enjoy another off day in Texas. He opened up Instagram to check to see what was happening. He wasn't a big social media guy, but fans loved it, and it was starting to grow on him. Plus, he loved using it to keep up with the other cast, especially Misha. But don't tell anyone else that. He saw Misha posted again, and after watch the series of videos he posted, Jensen found his eyes were more watery, than they were before. Misha cared. He cared so damn much. He truly just wanted to help, and felt if something bad was going on, it was his job to fix it. Jensen realized just how many people Misha had saved after watching his videos, and couldn't understand why Misha felt like he couldn't be excited. Misha had done a lot. He'd saved so many people and helped so many causes, and he never stopped. Damn, he couldn't be more proud of him. Just when Jensen thought he couldn't love that blue-eyed dork anymore, he found a way to. Jensen wanted to share that with Misha, and the world, just in case anyone out there still wanted to think Jensen didn't love Misha, he wanted to make sure that everyone knew just how much he loved him and was proud to know him.

A few hours later Misha saw Jensen's comment and was touched. He didn't do what he did for praise, but seeing all his fellow cast mates, especially Jensen, comment how proud they were, he found himself smiling. Misha had been feeling down, like he hadn't done enough lately, like he hadn't ever really done anything, but after making those videos and realizing how much he and his fans had done, and how his friends noticed that too, he felt better.

When Jensen got the notification Misha liked his comment, that's when he decided to give Misha a call.

"Hey, Jensen,"

"Hey, Mish,"

"So, how's Japan?"

"Really good. It's been so relaxing, visiting all the beautiful places here, and it's so amazing to experience another really unique culture,"

"I'm glad you're having a good time, Misha. You deserve it. So, uh, listen, I was thinking, that our break is almost over, and we haven't had much time to hang out. So, how about when you get back in the States, you can stop by and we can hang out together?"

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