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"How could you do this to me?!" I shouted at my cheating boyfriend who was half-naked and covering himself with a pillow.

"Maybe I never loved you!" He shouted.

"That's great, just great!" I shouted at him. "Pack your shit and get out, this house is in my name!" 

"Fine, you fucking bitch!" He shouted, storming back to the bedroom. 

Moments later his whore ran out of the house as fast as she could. I looked in the open door and he was almost done packing. I dialed my best friend on the phone. Thank God he hasn't started touring yet.

"Hello?" Gerard answered. 

"Hey, Gerard." I answered happily.

"Oh, hey, what's up, (Y/N)?" He wondered.

"Oh, the usual, I'm just being cheated on. I'm kicking him out right now." I giggled. My boyfriend and I have been growing it doesn't hurt...yet.

"That's horrible." Gerard nearly whispered. "Is there anyway I can help?" 

"Nothing yet." I mumbled. He knew how I can get when something bad happens. We have that in common.

"Let me know." He sighed.

"Okay, he's about to leave. I'll call you later maybe." I ended the call.

"I'm out of here." My ex stood before me, fully dressed and with a couple of suitcases.

"Congratulations, get the fuck out." I answered him, hiding my emotions. That was two years wasted.

Hours later the itch set in. I had it locked up and hid the key. I thought I forgotten where it was...I was wrong. The itch always remembers. I was now on the floor of my bathroom, bottles surrounding me. I pounded them down as fast as I could, breaking only to purge. 

"Gerard." I called him again with what strength I could.

"(Y/N)? You don't sound good." He answered.

"I'm not okay. I need you to get over here." I mumbled.

"Don't worry. I'm coming as fast as I can." He hung up.

Time passed by and I heard my front door open. It was Gerard. I'd hate to for him to see me like this, but I needed help and he's all I have.

"(Y/N), why?" He knelt beside me as I weakly looked up at him.

"I couldn't take it after a while. I just snapped." I mumbled, looking up at him from the toilet lid.

"Well, stop." He commanded.

"What's it worth?" I wondered, shrugging and looking up at him a he knelt down.

"Because." He shrugged back. "I mean, everybody gets depressed, it's totally normal."

"No one loves me. You know I'm addicted to pleasure." I giggled, swigging from a bottle.

"(Y/N)...I never told you...but I love you. I've loved you for a while now. I can't help myself around you." He blushed.

"W-what? Really?" I was surprised.

"I do. I really do." He nodded, his eyes glossing over.

"I...I do, too." I smiled up at him. "You should've said that sooner."

"You had an asshole as a boyfriend at the time, so I didn't." He looked at the ground.

"Goddamnit, Gerard." I jumped forward and embraced him. He was shocked at first but gave in and squeezed back.

"No more drinking...for either of us. Let's just be happy." He mumbled into my shoulder.

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