Chapter 9: He Needs You

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The paladins finally landed on the newly freed planet Saccari, where Coran was currently waiting. They got out of their lions to find the older Altean standing in front of the Castle of Lions, twirling his mustache. He turned around to look at them, his face instantly lighting up. "Paladins!" he exclaimed in pure joy. "Are you alright?"

Hunk smiled, "Yep. We're all good here. How's the castle?" He pointed to the giant ship, that was currently being worked on by some locals. Coran sighed. It's a little beaten up, but I'm sure it can be repaired. 

Keith was growing very impatient. "What about the tech on the ship? Was that damaged?" he asked irritably. Coran looked at the boy with a slightly confused look. "Well, most of it works. The only thing that is majorly damaged is the teledove. Why?"

Keith lowered his head, and muttered, "What about the healing pods?"

"Functional my boy!" Coran answered. It took him a second to process what Keith was implying. "Quiznak, who was hurt?"

Pidge looked over at Keith, then at Black, where the coma stricken Shiro was. "Shiro. He fell off of a tower while fighting some sentries. Black caught him just in time. If it wasn't for her, he might not have lived." Keith nodded, agreeing. She was right. The only reason he was alive was because of his weakening bond with Black. Keith felt so helpless. Thank God for his quick thinking.

He looked at his teammates. All sad about the fact Shiro was hurt. Keith and Hunk quickly walked into Black, and carried the fallen paladin outside, and onto the castle. He was placed in a healing pod, and Allura looked over his vitals.

"He seems to be somewhat stable now. Unfortunately, Shiro has fallen into a deep coma. He most likely will be in here for about 10 qintents. Probably much longer."

Keith's eyes shot to the princess. "What do you mean probably much longer? Like a month?"

Allura turned and frowned, eyes sad with pity for him. Keith hated it. She sighed, "Yes, actually. That sounds about right." She turned to the unconscious paladin, looking sadly at him through the glass. Keith looked at the others. They were doing the same thing. Staring at Shiro with concerned looks. 

Except for Lance, who was paying no attention to Shiro. He was looking directly at Keith. Keith was in such a daze, he didn't even realize how close Lance was to him. They were standing shoulder to shoulder, Lance's eyes scanning Keith with a worried expression.

After a while, the others slowly left the room going to do whatever they were doing before the mission. The room was once again empty except for the single healing pod with Shiro inside, and Keith and Lance standing there, unmoved. 

"You alright?" Lance asked in a soft voice. Keith closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, I'm fine." He lied.

Lance rolled his eyes. "Yeah.... no you're not are you?" Dammit. Saw right through that one huh?Keith thought. 

 "Trust me, I'm fine." Keith tried again. "I just need some time." Lance nodded his head, turned to him, and grabbed both of Keith's shoulders. "Alright. Just don't stay up to late." And with that, he turned to the door, and walked out of the room, leaving Keith all alone.


Keith was definitely not fine. Lance shook his head. Poor guy, he probably thinks this is his fault. he thought. Lance slowly made his way to his room. "Quiznak, I'm tired. Plus I need a shower, and some snacks, and- OW!!!" Lance bumped his left arm into the wall by this door. He looked down at his jacket, which had blood seeping through the fabric, and trickling down his hand. "Right." he said remembering that he had really hurt his arm during the break out. He it quiet though, he didn't need anyone worrying about him. Everyone had so much on their plates already. He staggered into his bathroom, feeling a bit dizzy due to the loss of blood. He slowly took off his jacket, then his shirt, which both had large blood stains on it.

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