Chapter 16: Love In Space

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It was the day of the diplomatic ball thing. Lance didn't know the logistics of it, so he was left in the dust when everyone was suddenly talking about formal wear and proper educate. 

Lance walked into the lounge where Pidge and Allura were discussing how the princess should style her hair. Lance smiled at Pidge, knowing that she hated doing that girly stuff, but doing it anyway to help her friend. Hunk was mumbling to himself about the possible dishes that would be there. Typical for him. Lance knew that he would be taking notes on the many cuisines that would be served. 

Lance was nervous. He hadn't really thought about it before, but this event was VERY important. What is he does something wrong? What if he makes a fool of team Voltron?

He walked into his quarters to see a very nervous looking Coran holding what looked like five sets of clothes. He turned and looked at Lance, smiling. 

"Ah, Lance! There you are, I was looking for you. Here m'boy. You're outfit for the ball." He said handing Lance a coat hanger with a navy blue garment hanger on it. 

Lance grinned at the mustached Altean. "Thanks Coran! I was worrying about not having anything to wear." Lance partially unzipped the bag, seeing inside what looked like a very well made royal blue suit. He smiled. This was the nicest set of formal wear he ever had. Lance looked back at Coran who was heading out of Lance's room. "Hey Coran, you need any help with those? You're hands are pretty full."

Coran's shoulders relaxed. Turning around and smiling wide he said. "That would be a relief. Here, can you take these two?" He asked holding out a dark yellow and a maroon garment bag just like Lance's new one. Lance nodded. 

"Just take them to Hunk and Keith's rooms if you don't mind. I appreciate it Lance." Coran finished before taking a dark green and a black set of clothes in each hand and scooting away.

Lance headed to Hunk's room first, dropping it off on his bed. He then left for Keith's. When he opened the door, he saw Keith standing in front of his mirror. Lance watched as Keith put his long hair into a neat pony tail. Lance quietly set down the suit on Keith's mattress, and walked over to the smaller boy. 

"Hey there Mullet," Lance said. Keith's smiled at the mirror as Lance hugged him around the waist. 

"Well hello to you." Keith replied.

"I got your suit. Coran sent me to tell you to start getting dressed. This fancy-shmacy party thing is only in a couple of hours."

Keith nodded, and turned his head, and kissed Lance on the cheek. "Alright," he said. "Tell the others I'm almost done."

Lance nodded and swung Keith around kissing him right on the lips passionately. They both stood there grinning like idiots. Lance said he'd go get his nice outfit on and left Keith's bedroom smiling.

~Time Skip brought to you by Marty McFly~


Everyone was dresses and ready for the fancy-shmancy party as Lance called it. All the paladins in a nice suit with their respected colors. Hunk, a bright yellow, Pidge a neon green, Shiro a black, Lance in royal blue, and Keith a rose red.

When Lance walked out into the control room ("fashionably late"), Keith's jaw dropped. Fuck, and here I thought I couldn't get any gayer. He thought.

His eyes shining, obviously happy about how he looked, pulling poses every now and then, and many times pointing at Keith, which made him smile a bit. 

As the castle landed, the team saw hundreds of different races of aliens. They walked in huge doors, and took in the space. There were many large tables scattering the floor with a stage up front, presumably for diplomatic uses that was promised to happen there. Pidge was the first to separate herself from the group seeing her brother Matt, and his girlfriend Olia. (quick AN,  but if u don't know Olia is the canine alien that was part of Matt's team. This is a cute ship that one of my friends asked me to include and I agreed bc why not am I right?) The next was Hunk seeing as he spotted Shay and her family. Shiro, Allura, and Coran left to go and talk to some other royalty from other planets. This left Keith and Lance alone standing by each other and looking around.

About an hour into the event, everyone seemed to be having a good time. Lotor was there and wasn't doing anything too suspicious. Although Keith was still unsure about him. He and Lance stuck together the whole night. Talking to whoever looked friendly and wanted to chat. Somehow though, they ended up by the dancefloor. Keith was honestly surprised that there was one. Lance looked over, and tapped Keith's shoulder, and smiled. "Wanna Dance?" he asked hopefully.

Keith looked away nervously. "I-I don't really dance." He stuttered. 

Lance rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, anyone can dance!" And with that Lance grabbed Keith's hand and dragged him into the middle of the dance floor. 

They jumped and swung around to fast songs.

They swayed in each other's arms to slow songs.

Keith and Lance were totally in sync with each other, not leaving each other's side for anything.

This was how Keith wanted to feel all the time. 

It was that night that both of them realized: the magic genie stone was right. They really were made for each other. That stupid rock that got Lance and Keith into this weird adventure called love, had brought them together.

Keith reached up and tenderly touched Lance's cheek as they swayed to a slow love song. Keith smiled like he never had done before. he looked Lance dead in the eye. 


"What is it Mullet?"

"I love you."

Lance smiled and kissed the raven haired boy, putting his hand on Keith's. 

"I love you too."

It was official. Keith Kogane was home.



I want to thank everyone for the support! You beautiful babies left me such nice comments and encouraged me to continue writing my best! I hope you enjoyed, and if you like was you read then maybe you'd enjoy my other books that I'm currently working on! I love you all so much!

-Author <3

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