Daniels Monologue

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Daniels Monologue;

Adam was hard to love sometimes he'd get angry and throw things. He'd hit me. The twisted part is I like it, I like the pain, it takes me away from the real pain in my life.
Yet he can be so gentle and soft like he's scared to hurt me.
We hurt each other, punches, kicks, slaps and verbal abuse we both fight.
What couple doesn't fight?
But I guess not all couples physically fight, huh?
There's always blood when we do fight there's always so much blood, splattered everywhere, it covers both of us.
I love the sight of it, I love the sight of it covering him.
I love him.

Adams POV

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" I screamed at the top of my lungs, we were stood in the woods near our special place.
"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SAY THAT TO ME?! IF YOU DONT WANT SHIT SAID BACK DONT FUCKING SAY ANYTHING IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Daniel screeches back, I was so fucking mad at him and myself for getting like this "I CALLED YOU A FAGGOT THATS WHAT YOU ARE ISNT IT!? A FUCKING FAGGOT" i did call him that. I had a bad day I was just taking it out on him. I love him. "OH YEAH WELL THAT MAKES TWO OF US DOESNT IT! YOU SHOULD KNOW ALOT ABOUT THAT YOU LOVE SUCKING ME!" Daniel quickly fired back he was so pissed. I saw red. I punched him. His nose was bleeding. "YOU FUCKING BASTERD" He punched me in the face two and kicked me in the ribs breaking one "AH FUCK!" I punched him back creating bruises on his face. He did the same to me. "YOU HAD ENOUGH?" Daniel yelled, I didn't want to do what I did but I just did it.
By now I was laid on the floor panting bruised and bleeding Daniel was leaning against a tree trying to keep his balance looking the exact same way, we made eye contact. "I'm sorry." I whispered he looked at me with a smirk before spitting out some blood "yeah, me too"
I got up walking towards him, grabbing his hips "come 'ere" we shared a smile and then our lips locked his arms around  my shoulders, the kiss was long and passionate. Fuck I love him.

 Fuck I love him

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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