4.) Beautiful Times

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Sara's Perspective:

The bell rang and I threw away my food quickly making sure not to let them see me. I'm just a charity act. I must be the new kid, not getting distractions. Somehow I end up in the boys locker room,

"You know this is the boys locker room, right?" A boy with rugged blonde hair asks.

Definitely a werewolf.


"Hi Liam."


"See you later." I hurry and head out of the school. I sit down at the last stair. I will not cry. I am strong.




My feelings get the best of me and a tear sheds.

One, by one until I'm shaking on these stairs.

Someone comes out the door and I try to gather myself.

It doesn't work.

They sit next to me, "Sara, you're okay. As far as I'm concerned you aren't an omega, got that? You aren't worthless, whoever said that is an idiot. You're okay." Scott hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.

"I-I-I-Ca-n-ne-v-er-be-o-o-kay." I mumble, crying in his chest. "My-br-other! H-e go-t mur-mur." I couldn't get it out. I couldn't say to him that my brother died. That my brother got murdered, I can't admit it to myself.

"Murdered." Scott finishes for me.

I weakly nod my head. "I've- never be-en so... Welcomed." I admit getting better.

"Well I guess we're welcoming here." Scott chuckles.

"God I feel like an idiot. Crying like a fool in your arms. I swear to god I'm not normally like this. I swear."

"I believe you." He says putting his arms up in surrender.

"Thank you. Thank you, Scott McCall."

"You're beautiful Sara. Don't forget that." He complimented.

My cheeks went red, did he really mean that?

God I sound like I kindergartener but I like, like him.

"Yes." I say after a while.

"Yes, what?" He asks.

"I will join your pack." I smirk.

(A/N: Aah! Scott is being so sweet! Oh and um I'm not going to show a 'picture' of Sara because I understand fangirls. Like if I'm reading a fanfiction, and I see a different main character then what the author sees I'm like NO. SO YEAH. Oh, song: Beautiful Times by Owl City.)

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