Chapter 2

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(Sorry I've been busy . Ima try to update at lease once a week . Keep commenting plz and let me know how I'm doing . Thanks for the feedback 😘)

**CLICK** .... I hung up .

A couple days went by . Nesha had been blowing up my phone . But i knew she didn't wanna be with me so I didn't want to hear all the explanations. I went to school and acted as nothing new happen . I saw my friend esha as I walked in ms.morgan class.

"Hey ness , wassup with you " esha said as she took out her note book to take science notes.

"Nothing esha " I said trying to brush it off .

"Something's wrong and I know it . I just hope you feel better ." Esha said .

Time dragged by and ms.morgan was pairing up us for our science projects .

"Pam && king
Keke && esha
Ness && Risa " ms Morgan shouted out partners as we packed up slowly .

I got paired with this stud named Risa. At first I never payed Risa a mind but she did join some of our conversations time to time . Risa was a little bit taller than me , she had swagg && seemed like she has a couple things going for herself . Risa stopped me at my locker .

" hey ness, I guess we will see each om the more now that we have to do this project together " Risa said with a big grin across her face .

" I guess so ., here's my number so you can stay in touch . . . . You know . . . . For the project ." I said smiling shyly handing Risa my phone number then immediately walking to my next class.

The day went by fast. Next thing I knew I was walking into my front door and headed to my room. I did my home work and watched a little tv un my mom shouted dinner was ready . I had whatcha call a ghetto family . My dad died and he was a alcoholic and I basically took care of him most of my life . My mom was a recovering drug addict and she was doing fine with being off of it . And my siblings was well annoying . Soon it was Time for bed so I took my shower and layed in bed watching tv.

( To Be Continued )

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