Mother Who?

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You all waited patiently for your mother to arrive. Although it's only been a few years, it feels like it's been ages since you've last seen her. "So what exactly did she do to you guys?" you asked out of curiosity. "She's the reason we're like this." Namjoon had said. "When she left you, she had met us in America. But when she met us, she had placed a curse on us and made us The Seven Deadly Sins." he continued to explain. You had your mouth wide open until Yoongi made you close it. Just as your mouth had been closed again, the door busted open. All your heads snapped and you instantly felt anger boiling in you. "Ahh there's my beautiful daughter." your mother said as she started walking towards you. "You don't have the right to call her that" Yoongi said as he stood in front of you, protecting you from her. "How about we all sit down and talk." your mother suggested.

It had been nothing but silence for the past five minutes. Yoongi kept a close eye on your mother while he had his hand on your thigh. Honestly this is the longest you've seen him stay awake. "Ok so let's get this over with. Why exactly did you put a curse on US and not someone else?" Namjoon asked raising his eyebrow. "I knew you 7 would eventually have to come back to Korea since you were about to finish middle school. Honestly it was dumb luck you met y/n in high school. But I must say, you have tortured her quite well." she said as she smirked. You could see all of them glaring at her and boiling with rage, especially Jungkook. "Oh come on now don't give me that look. It's not like I actually went with the original plan." your mom said rolling her eyes. "What exactly was the original plan?" you asked. "Oh you have no idea honey."

Ooooooof I'm so sorry that I haven't been active. I promise to be more active and finish this story. But I hope you like this chapter and give it lots of love. Love you meh babies

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