Who Are You

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         "Y/n stop messing with us. We're your friends" Hoseok said while chuckling. "I don't remember you guys at all" you said while looking at them weird. "You don't remember my smile?" Yoongi asked while showing his gummy smile. "No but it is a cute smile" you said to him. All of them looked at you with sadness in their eyes. Jungkook hung his head in shame. "I'm so sorry guys. I never meant for this to happen to her" he said with his voice cracking. "It's ok kookie it's not your fault" Jin said as he comforted him. You, on the other hand, were trying so hard not to smile. "I feel bad for tricking them, but it's too funny not to watch them." You thought to yourself. After about 5 minutes of them moping around, you couldn't hold in your laugh anymore. You bursted out laughing and the boys looked at you confused. "I'm sorry guys, but it was such a good opportunity" you said in between laughs. They stood their dumbfounded as you laughed your ass off. "Y/N MY HEART CAN'T TAKE THAT STRESS" Jungkook yelled at you as tears rolled down his face. "I can't believe you tricked us" Namjoon said while shaking his head. "I have to admit, that was amazing."

             The boys found seats and brought them into your room. They were catching you up on what had happened in the past two months. "So Hannah got a new boyfriend who's a fuckboy" Jimin was telling you as you listened very closely. "I'm pretty sure they were the ones who were caught fucking on the stairwell" Taehyung said. When you heard this you spit out your water and laughed. "Wow thanks y/n. Now I don't have to shower when I get home" Yoongi said as he wiped his face. "Aww I'm sorry. Here lemme help" you said as you wiped the water off his shirt. When you looked up, you saw Yoongi looking down at you, his eyes glowing a beautiful baby blue.

Heyyyy guys. Sorry I haven't updated but I'll try harder to get more chapters up. I love you all and thanks for reading :)

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