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Dude! You are never going to believe who I saw yesterday!

I don't think I care

Yoongi you are no fun

Can I go back to bed?

I saw Goody-two-shoes Park!
Remember her? From high school?

Park Y/N?
That poor kid you used to bully?

I did not bully her
Maybe bother her a bit

That's not what I remember
She hated you guts
I mean... you kinda made the whole school pick on her


Your memory sucks dick
Anyway...I'm going back to bed
Jimin is coming to hang out later

Good luck on your date I guess?


The whole school used to mess with her? He thought to himself as he put his phone down.

Having no true memory of anything of that sort happening during his high school days. He did mess with the girl, but never did he thought he went too far.

Yet, the image of her frightened expression as she looked at him during last night's encounter kept coming back into his mind.

"Was it that bad?" He asked himself as he got ready to leave his apartment and go find the owner of the student id on his back pocket.

His heart beating fast.


"Did you write it yet?" Asked Jisoo, your classmate and friend, as you braided her beautiful black hair.
"Write what?" You replied softly as you carefully finished your job.
"Really girl? Did you forget already?" She jokingly said as she lightly flicked you in the forehead, "The article for the paper!"
"I finished it yesterday"

Jisoo high fived you as she congratulated you for your outstanding effort in the school paper. After all, they had given you the front page as per her request and she could not be any more proud of you taking it seriously.

Apart from Lisa, your outgoing and lovable roommate, Jisoo was your only friend at school. She was classy yet crazy and kept your days full with funny moments.

"You worked so hard my girl" complimented you Jisoo as she hugged you tightly, "You have earned a complete luch set paid by me!"
"Guess I'm eating meat today" you joked which made Jisoo tugged at your arm.

It was great having a nice and refreshing day after your nightmarish encounter.

So you took upon your friend's request and headed to the cafeteria, a smile splattered on your face as Jisoo talked nonestop about her roommates. Any worry dissolving from your mind with every step.

"Then Jenie and Rose just spend the whole night watching Disney movies and didn't let me study one bit!" Jisoo complained as you munched down your food.

You giggled at her complaining, knowing very well that she probably came up with the movie night idea, only earning a frown from Jisoo which made you laugh a little bit louder.

However, her face went blank suddenly as her eyes focused just behind you. Her wierd actions making you turn around to find the one person you thought you freed yourself from standing behind you.

You froze in the spot, your eyes looking at Jungkook's expression, as he introduced himself to Jisoo with a smile.

In your eardrums you could hear  your heart beating loudly.

Why is he here? You thought as panic began to erupt and your face lost all color.

"So you dropped your id yesterday" Jungkook said as he handed you your pink wallet, "I thought you might needed."

You grabbed it slowly, your fingers shaking as you took it from him, as your trembling lips tried to mutter  small words of gratitude.

However, no words left your lips.

Jisoo just sat there watching you and Jungkook with both worry and intrigue, not knowing what to say or do.

"Right...sooo" said Jungkook awkwardly as a smile made an appearance on his handsome face. "I thought I could envite you for a coffee after class...that way we could catch up with life."
"No." You said harshly, wanting to end the hellish exchange as soon as possible.

"Jungkook..was it right?" Interrupted Jisoo as she examined the young man, "Y/N has work so there is no way she can go nowhere with you"

A hopeful sigh scaping your lips at your friend's intervention.

"I see..." answered Jungkook as his eyes fell upon you. Almost waiting for you to say something else.

Yet, he gave up after a few seconds of your silence filling the air.

"I guess I will see you around Y/N" muttered Jungkook before walking away from the table.

And just as he walked away far enough to not be able to hear her, Jisoo grabbed your hand and asked you the question that was eating her alive.

"Who the hell was that? And why are you so freaking scared of him?"

"He is just someone from my dark past" you murmured as your eyes averted Jisoo's observant ones.


You were right

About what this time?

She hates me

Scratch that...she is terrified of me
Jungkook thought as he tried to remember very hard what he had done in the past.

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