New Beginnings

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"Well boys, this is it, I just have to say I love all of you and I couldn't imagine not knowing any of you, my life hasn't been the same since I've met you all," she paused and looked up at the now full moon above," I really hope you all will forgive me for this and I promise I'll see you all soon," she nodded at Travis again and in a split second the dagger was in his hand then through her heart.

The world stopped. Then chaos ensued.

Third Person POV

The winds picked up violently almost immediately. The clouds were barley there but the lightning and thunder made themselves ever present. It was surely related to what had just happened and they all knew it.

The rage that filled them clouded their minds as they went into overdrive. Charging at Travis who stood his ground, but wasn't occupied with them. He was looking down at the now scarlet covered body of the girl he loved. His own mind working at hyperspeed, waiting for the right time to used the elixir.

He pushed the first few of them off as they tried to attack him but they were soon becoming overbearing. Staring up at the moon, his eyes grew wide as he realized the window of time that he had to save her was very short. He, with one final blow, pushed off Niall and Harry and grabbed her body. Dashing as quickly as he could into a shaded clearing in the woods, he gently laid her down on the slightly damp grass that covered the ground.

Fumbling with the small blue vial, he quickly checked the moon again and it was finally time. He had one shot to save Olivia and this was it. He gently opened her mouth and tipped the almost glowing, blue liquid in. The storm picked up tenfold now and was worse than ever. He gently picked up her body again and ran as fast as he could to the car that they came in. Not a thought went through his mid that wasn't about Olivia as be sped back to his place.

The boys stood helpless in the pouring rain. Though you could clearly differentiate the teardrops from the raindrops. Niall was hunched over, Harry stood pulling his hair and the others were still raging. Zayn was beating himself up with Liam trying to calm him down.

"I should have stopped time. I could've...I couldve saved her..", he said defeately. The rage built up again and he took it out on a nearby oak tree, that let's just say, no longer stands.

"There's no way you could've known, Liv is headstrong, we all should've guessed she would try to do it on her own. Even if it meant risking her life for ours", he tried reasoning. They weren't hearing it though. They were all caught up in their own minds, blaming themselves.

They all sat in the freezing cold downpour when suddenly, it stopped. The entire thing was like it never even happened. The entire forest stoop still and quiet. They all looked at each other puzzled.

Olivia's POV

Light. Bright light. That was the first thing I saw when the dagger pierced my chest. I was surrounded by light. A glowing purple aura. I looked around to see where I was but there was nothing. Nothing but light.

In the distance, I could make out two figures coming towards me. But my first instinct wasn't to run, their presence was calmer than my own. Tears spring to my eyes as they moved closer.

"Mom? D-dad?", their warm smiles greeted me. I couldn't believe it. Maybe I am dead...

"No honey, you aren't dead. Trust me. I would be more annoyed with Travis if you were", he soft voice spoke. It was like a soft blanket covering me after all these years. I immediately reached out to hug them, but I went right through them. The puzzled look on my face was evident, as they shared a look between eachother.

"Olivia honey, we aren't really here here. I know this is all confusing but we do have to tell you something before you go back and you are going back young lady," he smiled at me and used a fake stern voice. I managed to smile back through the waterfall that was now cascading down my face.

"What is it? Is it about the boys? Travis?", they shook their heads, getting a bit more serious.

My mother spoke up first, "No honey, it's about you. I know you've been having a head time with all of these new secrets that are popping up lately but I promise we were going to tell you everything," she looked deeply pained and my head ached.

She could see it and motioned for my dad to talk. "Honey look we don't have much time, but you need to know this." I nodded and gave them my complete attention.

My jaw completely fell off its hinges when I heard what came next. Then suddenly the light was flipped off like a switch. I was engulfed in complete darkness. Just me and the recent revelation hung in the air.

I could feel the pain wafting back into my body, and it felt like I was moving. The car jolted and I let out a pained groan.

"Oh fuck, Liv I'm so sorry. Are you okay?", I still couldn't open my eyes but I knew it was Travis by his voice. I wasn't really in the mood to talk after everything I had just heard so I have him a small thumbs up.

I heard him chuckled and ask if I needed anything vaguely before I passed out again on the backseat. Today was long enough and I'll face the music when I wake up.

I felt the car stop and my body being lifted out of the car by a pair of strong arms. There were alot of noises when he entered wherever we were, I'm guessing it was back at the base. Everyone asking questions but he silenced them immediately. I felt my body gently being placed onto a soft mattress and the covers being lulled over me before he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Get some rest Liv. We'll talk about everything in the morning, if the guys don't kill me first," he chuckled.

Oh god, the guys. I can't imagine what they must be feeling right now. I just hope they forgive me for all this.

As soon as he turned the light off, I drifted into darkness once again. My mind still swirling with the thoughts of what my parents had explained. I tried to push it away as to get some semblance of sleep, and not too long after my body finally succumbed to its need. Tomorrow was going to be an even longer day indeed.

Okay guys, don't kill me please. I know it's been literally almost an entire year since I posted the last chapter of TVITW, but here it is. THE SEQUEL! It's been a long time coming, I've been so busy with college I haven't had time to do any writing. But that's not important, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has supported the book through the years. And I know this is a short intro but there are longer ones to come. I also haven't finished updating the first one, and I know I know, that's alot. But I'm just really excited and I hope you all are still here and equally excited for this one. Thank you again ~ Sky 💕

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